Episode 08: "One Key Prevails (2)"

Writer:  C. A. E. Jones

4:18PM 2/22/2010

[ INT. AIRPLANE - DAY. : Dark Bob, wielding a bone-handled dagger with a gemstone at the base, holds a boy of about ten years of age in one arm, with the dagger to his throat. Kamal is on the ground with a large man holding him down; all eyes in the cabbin are on Dark Bob's dagger. Wind and Hydron watch from a pair of seats nearby. Wind's hand is extended just past the edge of the seat in front of her. ]

Kejek! Put him down!

WIND (quietly):
Even if I hit him, he can still use that dagger on him.

I'll take him. Just don't let anyone see me.


[ Wind turns and sits up as straight as she can manage, glaring at Dark Bob. Behind her, Hydron transforms into water and flows into the floor. ]

WIND (shouting):
Just put him down! It'll already be bad enough for you without hurting a kid against you!

[ The boy that Dark Bob holds slips a hand to Dark Bob's wrist and presses into the joint of his thumb. The dagger slips out of his hand and falls to the floor. The passengers go silent. ]

[ Dark Bob turns the boy around to secure his hold on him, but Water-Hydron rushes up from the floor, taking Dark Bob off of his feet. The boy slips free, and a woman in the seat near him reaches out and pulls him by the arm into the seat. ]

Thank goodness!

[ Two men get out of their seats. They both jump on Dark Bob, who manages to throw them both off. Water-Hydron gushes at his face, and the wind picks up. One of the men manages to kick at the side of Dark Bob's head, and the other pens him. Two more men join in holding Dark Bob to the floor, and he goes still. ]

PILOT (over speaker):
This is your pilot speaking. Please remain calm and return to your seats. Security will restore order in the cabbin.

[ Water-Hydron spreads and flows back under the seats. The boy, hereafter Kejek, that Dark Bob had been holding watches the water curiously. A trail of water still leads from the dagger on the floor to the seat where Wind sits, watching dumbfoundedly. ]

The water's stuck to that dagger.

Don't you worry about that; just stay in your seat. That was very brave, Kejek.

[ Webby, a girl about a year younger than Kejek in the same row, looks toward the dagger. ]

He's right.

[ A stuardess cautiously approaches the dagger and picks it up, wiping it with a cloth. The water-trail on the floor quickly withdraws under the seats. Behind Wind, Water-Hydron takes human shape. ]

[ EXT. MOUNTAINTOP - DAY. : The mountaintop is crowned by rocks and snow, though there are many brown streaks through the snow as though it has been recently disturbed. Gravitor stands, wielding a mace, a broadsword tucked awkwardly into his belt. Glacier faces him, wielding a sword made of ice. Glacier's face flickers in and out of visibility, save the points of fire that fill his pupils. ]

Listen to me, Glacier. This is Charles; this is Gravitor. We're the Agents of Erosion; the government sends us to clean up whatever is weird and annoying enough to get their attention. Right now, there's something evil going on here...

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. LAVA CHAMBER - DAY. : Six Shadow Kro surround a golden statuette of a large-horned bull mounted to stone. Near them, black fire consumes what appears to be a humanoid body. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
Kimal made an alliance with the Kro to find the keys of the Nornish.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY - AERIAL SHOT. : Several armored Kro, wielding weapons ranging from swords to axes to maces, march up from the foot of the mountain. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
But the Kro took the keys and summoned the Shadow Kro.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. HOSPITALROOM - DAY. : Black Eagle lies in a bed, a cloth over his forehead, partly obscuring his eyes. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
They put Black Eagle in the hospital...

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY. : A van with all of its doors badly torn and shredded sits on the road, a pair of white cars approaching it. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
They attacked us on the road, and put you under their curse...

[ dissolve to... ]


GRAVITOR (cont'd):
Remember who you are. Don't make me defend myself. We have to destroy that statue; that's our only chance to break up the Shadow Kro.

[ Glacier raises his sword and swings. Gravitor blocks with the mace. Glacier attacks several more times, and Gravitor struggles to block as he is pushed back. Glacier makes a charging slash that Gravitor blocks, though he is pushed back to a snow-slicked slope. Glacier makes another slash, and Gravitor loses his footing. The mace falls from his hands. A cloud of ice-fog bursts out from Glacier's blade, freezing the mace to the grounnd. Gravitor kicks off of the slope and rises out of the ice-fog. He pulls the broadsword from his belt and looks toward the mountainside behind Glacier. ]

Darn; I guess I'll have to use those rocks.

[ Gravitor falls over the mountain. Glacier turns and walks after him; a cloud of ice-fog flies out in front of him, catching Gravitor in the leg. Gravitor gives a shout of discomfort and tries to bend his leg. ]

That's not going to help me land in one piece.

[ More ice-fog cascades down the mountain after Gravitor. ]


[ Wind keeps herself turned partly toward the isle, keeping a watch on the men taking Kamal and Dark Bob toward the back of the plane. As they pass, she notices Kejek looking over her shoulder, and she turns to face Hydron, who is watching the stuardess further up the isle, who hands the cloth-wrapped dagger to someone near the front of the plane. ]

That's no ordinary weapon.

How's that?

Touching it was like touching the key. It didn't turn me around... but it held me. I don't know if I could have transformed while touching it.

That kid's watching us. I think he might have seen you.

Kejek, don't stare.

[ Kejek shrugs, then looks at the (dry) floor. ]

[ A stuardess makes her way down the isle, stopping at each row as she does; she comes to Kejek's row. ]

Is everyone ok?

Yes, Ma'am.

I think we're all ok.

[ The stuardess steps to Wind and Hydron's row. ]

Is everyone ok?

I think so.

[ Wind looks to Hydron. Hydron nods. ]

All right, then.

[ Stuardess moves on to the row behind Wind and Hydron. ]

STUARDESS (cont'd):
Is everyone ok?

[ Kejek abruptly looks at Wind and Hydron. ]

Hey, I thought I saw a lot of water running under your seats.

[ Wind raises her eyebrows, then puts on a deceptive look of confusion. ]

I didn't feel anything. Maybe it's just my shoes.

[ Hydron lightly jabs her in the ribs and looks down. Wind looks at her puzzledly, then suddenly looks alarmed and stares at the floor as well. ]

I don't see anything.

It looked like a lot.

I didn't see that much.

Someone must have just used a fire extinguisher on that man.

[ Kejek shrugs and looks around searchingly. ]

That's a good eye you've got, there. What's your name?

KEJEK (still looking around):
... Huh?

He's Kejek.

[ Kejek looks to Wind and nods. ]


How old are you?

I'll be eleven in April.

Have you been on a plane before?

A few times.

My husband and I work for a university; we get to travel a lot for projects. I'm his mother, by the way; Anita Facques, and this

[ Anita indicates Webby. ]

ANITA (cont'd):
is Webby.

Nice to meet you; I'm Sara. What do you do at the university?

I'm an entymologist, and my husband's a botanist. He also works as a boyscout leader, so he's busy this week. Kejek usually goes with him, but he's been on this week's trip before, and one of his friends wasn't going, so he came with us.


I study insects.

Are you going to Europe to study insects?

[ Anita smiles. ]

Not exactly. I am going to talk to some researchers in Venice, but we're going to spend most of our time sight-seeing, this time.

Have you been to Europe before?

A couple times. We've done more in Asia and America; Kejek was actually born in India. I did go on a trip to the British Isles over winter break in middleschool, though. It was awefully cold, and we went hiking.

Sounds kind of painful.

[ Hydron watches Anita intently. ]

It wasn't too bad. One woman wound up going into labor on the mountain, though; that was scary. We got her down to town before she had the baby, but I'll always remember how she screamed... she thought demons were after her baby.

So you must be around thirty-five?

[ Anita looks at Hydron as though surprised that she is there. ]

I didn't catch that?

[ Wind gives Hydron a sideways glance. ]

HYDRON (more loudly):
I just thought you must be in your mid thirties.

[ Wind lightly punches Hydron in the shoulder. ]

Shanan, that's not polite!

I'm thirty-four, actually. Is it that obvious?

Well, you were in middleschool in 1980, weren't you?

Well, yes; I didn't say that, though.

[ Wind's eyes widen and she snaps her fingers in realization. ]

I think that woman on the mountain was my mother. Did she sleep a little away from the group? And say anything about nightmares?

Yes! Well, I never thought I'd see you out of her belly! I guess that demon didn't take you after all.

No. She had a dream with an evil man taking a little boy and running away across a lake. I turned out to be a girl.

KEJEK (thoughtfully):
A lake?

[ Wind looks at Hydron quizically. ]

Well, I guess you did. I guess it was just that mountain air getting to her; I don't know why she'd go hiking like that with a baby about to be born.

My parentsAre pretty serious about staying healthy.

[ Wind shakes her head and turns to face Anita, smiling. ]

Health nuts is more like it. If not for them, I'd never have forced myself to like cranberry sauce.

[ EXT. ABOVE RUNWAY - DAY. : The previously-seen airplane descends toward the runway and slows as it touches it. ]

[ INT. AIRPLANE - DAY. : The noise of the plane in flight has died, but everyone remains seated; the chattering of the passengers is a bit louder than before. ]

We should go looking for plants; maybe we'll find Kingsfoil.

Isn't that from Lord of the Rings?

Well, something like it. My dad said something like that grows in this part of the world.

How would you know if you found it?

Dad showed me a picture of it...

[ EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY. : Gravitor falls toward a collection of large, some jagged rocks, with a bank of ice-fog following him. ]

[ Gravitor's knee drags on the rocks. he holds the broadsword in front of him, flat toward the rocks. and kicks at the rocks hard; he gives a grunt of pain as his toes jam against the stone. ]

Racing down a mountain; why isn't there something normal following me, like an avalanche?

[ Gravitor brings both legs under him and pushes off of the rocks, then accelerates more quickly than usual toward the lower ground below the rocks. The ice-fog passes over him, though descends once it passes the rocks. Gravitor lands and runs down the mountainside a bit, then jumps to the side, out of the path of the ice-fog. He stops to catch his breath, and the sound of marching drifts up the mountain. ]


[ Several Kro (armed as before) take long steps up the mountain toward Gravitor. ]

I'm still worn out from chasing the Shadow Kro up here; how can I keep fighting like this?

Stand away from the cracks, hawk!

Let's get one thing straight. My name is Charles.

[ Gravitor raises the broadsword and takes a threatening stance. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
On the battlefield, they call me Gravitor. And I'm not going anywhere that you freaks tell me to go.

KRO5 (shouting):

[ Five Kro--two with maces, three with broadswords identical to Gravitor's--rush for Gravitor. One of the mace-wielders raises his weapon to swing. Gravitor jumps into the air, and the mace strikes the ground hard, sending up a cloud of dust. The Kro holding the mace gives a grunt as he tries to lift the mace. It suddenly rises with great ease, and the Kro holding it falls back. ]


[ The mace falls into it's owner's chest; the Kro's armor prevents the mace's points from piercing him, but the Kro struggles to push himself up under its weight, managing to rise a few inches before falling again. ]

You're messing with more than a guy with a sword.

[ The second mace falls to the ground; its owner struggles to hold onto it. ]

You idiot; he's going to use the same trick on you!

[ The second mace-wielder flies off of his feet as the mace rises. The mace flies out of his hand and strikes one of the sword-wielders in the head, causing him to fall off screen. Gravitor lands on the unarmed Kro, who struggles as though penned to the ground. ]

Three down, two to go.

Get him!

[ The remaining two Kro lunge. Gravitor jumps, striking downward at one of the oncoming blades with his own. He flips and lands behind the two Kro. They both spin to face him, and he steps out of range of the closest blade, striking it down with his own. The blade falls from its owner's hand and sticks in the ground only a few inches from the hilt. Gravitor bllocks the next two sword-strikes from the only armed Kro remaining, and the standing sword-less Kro suddenly stumbles and yells as he falls into the sword-wielder. They both fly from their feet and fall to the ground, rolling down the mountain several feet. ]

Now for that stupid statue...

[ Gravitor runs for the crack in the nearby rockface. Glacier drops from above and walks into the crack after Gravitor. ]

[ INT. AIRPORT - DAY. : Many people are walking about. Wind and Hydron, carrying their dufflebags (see Episode 7) walk hurriedly through a relatively open area. ]

You left out part of your mom's dream.

I know. I think mentioning the portal would have just made things more confusing.

Shanan... I know we've thought about that dream before, but... Eoce had portals, too, and look what they did to you and Glacier...

I know.

[ EXT. AIRPORT GARAGE - DAY. : Wind and Hydron emerge from the building and approach a van that waits at a curb (the van is running, by the sound and the fumes from its tailpipe). A side door on the van (on the side away from the camera) opens and Wind and Hydron enter. As the van drives away, a figure in a horned helmet is visible standing in the shadows beside the building.* ]

[ INT. VAN - DAY. : Hydron and Wind sit in the middle row of seats; the front two seats are only partly visible from this angle, but are occupied by tall, broad-shouldered men. The windows are tinted, though buildings and poles can occasionally be seen speeding by through them. ]

I think we should try to find that plant that Kejek mentioned.

The one from Lord of the Rings?

The version in Return of the King was able to heal people that had been poisoned by the Naz Gul. What happened to Black Eagle sounds similar enough that I think it's worth a try.

Well, I guess we are dealing with shadowy figures and ancient artifacts of evil. It's worth a try.

[ INT. POLICE STATION - DAY. : Anita, Kejek and Webby stand beside an Italian police officer. ]

[ When Officer1 speaks, it is with a heavy Italian accent. ]

He didn't speak at all?

No. The other one did, but not the man with the dagger.

Was there nothing to identify his nationality?

I couldn't see anything. He looked like he could have been American or English, but I guess he could as easily have been French or Canadian... I don't know.

That's ok. I think we'll let you go on your way. I'll just need you to sign a sta--

[ There is a loud crash from somewhere in the building. Officer1 turns to look toward the back of the room. ]

What was that?

[ There is another crash, followed by a distant yell. ]

Please stand near the wall. Be prepared to leave the building.

[ Officer1 steps toward the back of the room. More shouting can be heard from the distance. ]

Come on.

[ She moves toward the side of the room; Kejek and Webby follow, watching Officer1. ]

OFFICER2 (OS, shouting):
Un uomo che trasporta un'arma funziona all'entrata!

[ There is a loud crash as a chunk of the back wall shatters and the head of a mace breaks through. The mace is followed by someone in Kro armor. A pouch at his waist bounces as he runs, the jeweled end of Dark Bob's dagger protruding from it. The mace-wielding Kro runs toward the front of the room. Before Officer1 can respond, the mace swings for him; he ducks, and the Kro runs past him. ]

[ EXT. OUTSIDE POLICE STATION - DAY. : The Kro's mace breaks through the front door, sending fragments of glass onto the sidewalk beyond. ]

[ The mace-wielding Kro emerges from the shattered door and runs off screen. ]

[ Fade to black. ]

[ Fade in to INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY. : Black Eagle lies motionless on his back, the slight rise and fall of his chest all that is visible. His face is covered by a breathmask, from which a hose extends. ]

[ Hydron, Wind, a nurse and a Doctor (reference the previous episode) stand in the room, Wind and Hydron toward the foot of the bed, with the Doctor and nurse closer to Black Eagle's shoulders. ]


Is it working?

BLACK EAGLE (groggy, croaky):
Wh... is this...

[ Black Eagle rises a bit as he coughs; the doctor places a hand on his chest, and the nurse reaches for the mask to keep it on his face. ]

I'd say it's having an effect.

BLACK EAGLE (groggy, croaky):
What's happening?

We couldn't do anything for what was paralyzing your limbs. It was spreading rapidly, and since we'd ran out of options, we tried applying some plants that these women suggested.

Black Eagle, are you feeling better?

I don't know if I've felt worse. Where are Gravitor and Glacier?

They went out to destroy the key, and never came back. The last we heard from Theracy was that they're still alive on that mountain.

What... a mess...

Please try to relax; there's no telling how straining yourself will affect the process.

We've got to get them out of there... that whole mountain should be leveled...

We'll go out there; don't worry.

Don't be stupid; the whole military should be in on this. We need to send in helicopters and bombers...

We're bringing some of this plant in case anything happened to Charles and Glacier. We'll try to get out as quickly as we can, don't worry.

[ INT. LAVA CHAMBER - DAY. : The Shadow Kro are gathered around the golden bull statue. ]

[ Gravitor walks into the chamber. He holds a hand out toward the statue, and it starts to tilt, then lifts from the ground and falls toward him. A hiss rises from the Shadow Kro and they all face Gravitor. ]


[ He jumps into the air as six red darts fly across the room. One of the darts strikes Glacier's ice-blade as he steps into the chamber behind Gravitor. Gravitor kicks off of the wall near the entrance and meets the statue in mid air over the pit. ]

I'm not touching it again, but that wasn't the plan.

[ The lava in the pit bobs a bit before a stream of it rises toward the statue. SKLeader glides toward Gravitor with longsword extended. ]

It's no use!

[ Glacier aims his sword at Gravitor, and a cloud of ice-fog fills the chamber, striking the lava. A cloud of steam obscures the statue. ]

You can't freeze lava that easily! And besides...

[ Gravitor turns his back against the ceiling and raises the broadsword. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
I've got other ways!

[ Gravitor brings the broadsword down toward the statue, but the ice-fog surrounds them both, and Gravitor begins to fall along with the statue, crashing onto a thin sheet of rock that steams over the pit. Bits of the rock crumble and dissolve into red fluid over the lava. SKLeader cuts the statue free from the fresh rock and pulls it away. Gravitor groans in distain as he struggles to pull his sword away from the statue. Sparks flow from the statue's horns and along the sword, flowing into Gravitor's arms as he yells in pain. Below, the lava begins to bubble violently; some bursting bubbles burn through the thin sheet of rock keeping Gravitor from falling into the pit. ]

GRAVITOR (pained, struggling):
What is this! Let... go!

[ Gravitor pulls his hands off of the sword. SKLeader strikes the sword with his own and it breaks free from the statue and falls into the lava. ]

I've had enough of you guys.

[ The rock sheet creaks, then breaks. Gravitor kicks off of it and into the air just as the rock falls into the lava. Gravitor lands on the edge of the pit, Glacier to his right (screen left) and the Shadow Kro to the left (screen right). ]

[ Lava continues to bubble violently in the pit; some bursting bubbles splatter the rock outside of the pit. ]

That statue is going for a bath, whether you like it or not.

[ The statue starts to pull SKLeader toward Glacier. As the statue is over the pit, thin collumns of lava rise from the pit and spray lava around the chamber. Gravitor ducks out of the path of the spray as Ice-fog flows from Glacier, consuming the lava and resulting in small stones flying about the room. Stone beams criss-cross the pit, ending in four collumns that hold the statue above the lava. The lava below bubbles more violently than ever. ]

Ok, maybe it's you guys that need the bath.

[ Lava slowly begins to flow along the wall of the pit nearest the Shadow Kro. Another blast of ice-fog from Glacier turns the lava into a stone wall only a couple feet high. The Shadow Kro all stab the ground with their swords, and black flames rise to five feet high and spread around the pit. Gravitor jumps into the air to avoid the flames, hovering near the ceiling. ]

Don't you have anything else to use?

[ A cloud of ice-fog rises from Glacier toward Gravitor. ]

Not you!

[ Gravitor kicks off of the wall and flies across the room, dodging the ice-fog in the process. Upon reaching the opposite wall, he pulls himself along it toward the entrance. Glacier sends more ice-fog after him. ]

Glacier... if you don't wake up soon, I'll have to take you out to stand a chance at beating these guys.

[ The chamber is completely filled with the black fire below, now well above the heads of those standing in the chamber, though below Gravitor. The statue rises above the flames, and a cloud of black fog swirls around its base. A tendril of fog snaps out from the cloud and toward Gravitor. ]

What in the...

[ The fog strikes him in the ankle. His leg recoils as he gasps. The red band around his ankle dissolves into smoke. ]

Ok, if that's how you want to play... I'm flooding you out!

[ Lava flows out from the edge of the fog, moving in a large wall toward Gravitor. Ice-fog forms a large cloud to block the lava. ]

That's enough, Glacier... Too much.

[ Gravitor sighs, then dives toward Glacier. Glacier turns with his ice-sword raised. The wall of stone created by the colliding lava and ice-fog falls into Glacier's back, throwing him off of his feet. the wall strikes Gravitor as well, and he and Glacier both fall into the side of the crack. The rock-wall catches in the entrance before it can crush Glacier and Gravitor. ]

I wish I thought that would hold them.

[ Lava flows over the top of the wall, and Gravitor crawls out of its path. Some of the lava splashes onto Glacier's ice-sword, instantly reducing it to steam. Glacier gets to his feet and steps out of the path of the thin lavafall. A sword splits the wall on one side, and the lava suddenly consumes the corner of it. The rock wall tilts toward the crack, then slides flat to the ground as lava flows over it. Black Flames race across the lava and both begin to flow into the crack. Gravitor throws himself into the air to escape the flood of red-and-black fire. ]

Glacier! Wake up!

[ EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY. : As lava and black fire pour from the crack, several armed Kro break into two lines to permit the flow. The lines of Kro extend to the foot of the mountain; there are several dozen of them, all in the customary armor and all with weapons--be they swords, maces or axes--held at the ready. ]

[ An enormous gust of wind tosses a portion of the Kro army to the ground, then the line across from it suffers the same fate. A human-sized wall of water rises from the foot of the mountain and slams into the line to the left of the crack, toppling Kro as it races up the mountainside. ]

[ Gravitor drifts out of the crack, floating a foot above the black flames, which begin to spread as they go further down the mountain, though they lose height as they do. ]

[ Wind, in her white-and-gray uniform and a large pack on her back flies above the Kro army and toward Gravitor. ]


Sara! You have no idea how glad I am to see you!

[ Gravitor falls toward Wind. As he approaches her, his acceleration stops, and she holds out an arm to keep him from flying past her. The two land behind one of the lines of Kro. The water-wall mows down several more Kro before joining them and becoming Hydron's human form, likewise back in her customary uniform. ]

Where's Glacier?

If that lava didn't get him, he's under the Shadow Kro's spell.

[ The line of Kro breaks and turns to advance toward Wind, Hydron and Gravitor. ]

We've got just the thing for that, if we can get past these guys.

Rocks would fly away in the wind if they were as light as a feather.

I bet they would.

[ Wind extends her arms, and Gravitor clenches his fists and glares in defiance at the approaching Kro. The wind picks up and howls over the mountainside as many of the Kro are blown back. ]

WIND (yelling over the wind, struggling):
I don't know how long I can keep this up...!

GRAVITOR (yelling over the wind):
Ease back!

[ The wind calms. Some of the Kro collect themselves. Gravitor jumps into the mess of fallen Kro and snatches a mace from a fallen Kro. ]

What are you doing?

Any of you remember me?

KRO5 (growling in hatred):

That's right. And I'm not happy.

[ The river of lava flows into the disorganized mass of Kro, and many of them scramble to avoid it; flames trail many as they are burned. ]

I like our old plan.

[ A cloud of ice-fog rolls down the mountain. ]


[ Gravitor turns his head and sees the ice-fog. He gapes at it before a gust of wind blows the ice-fog into a cluster of Kro that stand nearby. ]

[ Glacier stands on a rock just above the lava that flows from around it down the mountainside. Smoking stone spears are in each of his hands, dripping red lava and water. ]

Sara, get the plants ready!


[ Wind steps back and crouches, pulling the pack from her back and tearing it open. ]

[ Behind Glacier, the Shadow Kro glide out of the crack and down the mountain toward Gravitor and Hydron. ]

I really hate you guys!

[ Gravitor throws the mace, and it falls for one of the Shadow Kro. The mace strikes its target in the chest and the Shadow Kro falls into the lava. As soon as it strikes the lava, smoke, fire and black fog engulf its body and it vanishes, the mace disappearing with it. ]

[ INT. LAVA CHAMBER - DAY : The Statue stands on its pillars over the lava. ]

[ Sparks crackle between the horns of the statue, and a large wave of lava splashes up around the pillars and flows outward. ]


[ Wind stands over a pile of leaves and long strips of stems. ]

Um, guys? I think we need to burn it...

Use the lava; I'll get Glacier closer.

[ Hydron takes water form and rushes toward Glacier, dodging the Shadow Kro as she does. A cloud of ice-fog forms around Glacier as Hydron approaches. As she surrounds him, sheets of ice begin to form within her. One such sheet thickens behind Glacier and strikes him in the back, throwing him off of the rock. The water and ice fall into the lava below, pushing Glacier to the edge of the stream. The ice melts and a cloud of steam gathers over the land and takes Hydron's form. ]

Glacier, come with us.

[ One of the rock spears flies from Glacier's hand and at Hydron's torso. She screams as she falls back, becoming steam as she falls toward the lava. The steam shoots for Glacier, and meets another cloud of ice-fog. The two merge into a cloud of mist, then a wall of water that pushes Glacier further down the mountainside. ]

[ Below, Gravitor falls toward a mace-wielding Kro. The mace-wielder swings his weapon, but it falls to the ground, weighted. Gravitor kicks the Kro in the chest, sending him off of his feet. Gravitor collects the mace as he lands, immediately bringing it up in an ark to scatter the blades that come for him. He strikes away more incoming attacks from the Kro near him, then spins, releasing the mace. It strikes one of the Kro full in the chest, sending him to the ground. The mace slows, then begins to fall toward another of the Kro, knocking him into one of those near him. The mace Falls and Gravitor catches his breath as the Kro near him charge. ]

[ Wind crouches over the pile of leaves and stems, now close to the lava. She holds one burning stem over the lava, then places it in the center of the pile as pale smoke rises from the pile. ]

I hope this works.

[ Glacier falls to the ground on the slope. Water-Hydron gathers over him in the shape of a large claw. Glacier sits up and raises his remaining stone-spear, when the wind picks up, blowing a stream of smoke at Glacier. Glacier stands up, but quickly falls to his knees as the Smoke overtakes him. He looks up, and the fire in his eyes fades as his face ceases to flicker. He then falls again and lies still. The water takes human shape and becomes Human Hydron. Hydron picks up the stone spear and places her other hand on Glacier's back. ]

Breathing. He's burning up, though.

[ She gets closer and lifts Glacier so that his face is out of the dirt. She turns him onto his side, then stands and regards the rest of the mountainside. ]

[ An axe-wielding Kro comes close to Gravitor, axe held high. ]

You're dead!

[ Glacier's stone-spear strikes the axe-wielder's elbow, and his arm pulls back, the axe flying away. Gravitor grabs the handle of the axe and spins the weapon so that the flat of it strikes the disarmed Kro off of his feet. Gravitor jumps off of the ground and rises into the air. ]

[ Gravitor looks down at the Kro army from above, sweat pouring from his face. He raises the axe over his head. ]

This is where you run!

[ Gravitor thrusts the axe downward and it flies out of his hand toward the ground. ]

[ High shot: The Kro scatter as the axe falls; a cloud of dust rises where it strikes the ground. ]

[ Gravitor falls toward Wind, twisting as he descends so that he lands on his feet beside her, panting. ]

Are you ok?

I've been running and fighting since last night. I don't know what else I can do.

You've got them scared, but they'll come back. And there are... well...

[ The Shadow Kro stand over the lava stream. SKLeader stands on the rock that Glacier previously occupied. ]

WIND (cont'd):
... Them.

There's a statue in the cave that the lava's coming from. Whenever it moves, the Shadow Kro freak out. It seems like it messes with the lava, and it does weird things if anything touches it. We've just got to get it in our control, and we might be able to do something to win.

I think we should just grab Glacier and get out of here. This is too big a mess for three of us to handle alone.

Do you think they'll let us get away?

Better to try to get away than to hang around and die.

[ Water-Hydron flows as a wave over the lava-stream, targeting some of the Kro nearest the lava. The wave strikes them both; one stumbles, and the other falls. Hydron takes human form and looks toward the lava. ]

Stupid girl!

[ Hydron becomes water and dives up the mountain; the standing Kro lunges after her, but his blade only strikes water. ]

[ The wind picks up and the charging Kro is blown off of his feet, falling into one of the Shadow Kro. The fallen Kro staggers to his feet, backing away from the sword, when Water-Hydron rises around him, throwing him into the Shadow Kro. Both of them topple into the lava-stream and a cloud of black fog bellows out around them. Hydron returns to human form and steps away from the fog as she struggles to breathe. ]

[ INT. LAVA CHAMBER - DAY. : Sparks spray from the statue's horns, showering the pillars before they fade. The lava below rises like a termultuous ocean. ]

[ EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY. : The volume of lava flowing down the mountain increases. The remaining Shadow Kro step away from the lava; SKLeader leaps from the rock and glides down the mountain as the rock is consumed in lava.* ]

That's weird. I guess the rest of the Kro can't get to us now.

We have to get out of here.

Wait... that statue is made of the keys! The keys were connected to the Shadow Kro. When we take out one of them, something must happen to the statue!

Glacier's right beside the lava!

[ Gravitor and Wind both start running toward Glacier (Wind runs more quickly; Gravitor breathes harder.). The lava continues to expand; Wind and Gravitor manage to grab Glacier's legs and chest and pull him away just as more lava covers the ground where he was laying. ]

We have to get away...

[ A red dart strikes Wind in the shoulder, and she stumbles; Gravitor crouches to avoid dropping Glacier too hard, then pulls Wind aside. ]

Do you have any more of that plant?

The lava got it all. We'll have to go back to the embassy...

[ Gravitor turns to face up the mountain. Two Shadow Kro advance toward him, Wind and Glacier. ]

You'll regret that.

Charles, don't!

[ Gravitor jumps into the air and falls toward the Shadow Kro. Wind turns to face them and holds out the arm that wasn't struck by the dart. A gust of Wind blows at the cloaks of the Shadow Kro, but they remain standing. One of them throws a dart, but the wind spins it in the air. The dart turns and falls for the Shadow Kro's face. Gravitor lands with a hand extended, and the Shadow Kro struck by the dart falls back. The lava expands further, and black Fog envelopes the Shadow Kro. The remaining Shadow Kro brings its sword toward Gravitor but it is caught by the wind and pushed back. Gravitor jumps into the air and holds a hand toward the lava. ]

[ The Shadow Kro stumbles and a stream of lava rises from the flood; the two collide in a cloud of black fog. ]

Sara, get Glacier out of here; do something about that arm!

Come with me!

[ Water-Hydron flows over the lava and lands beside Wind before taking Human form. ]

There are two left.

We have to leave.

We can't leave those two and that statue behind. That statue at least has to go.

Is it at the source of the lava?


I'll get it.

Whatever you do, don't touch it!

[ Hydron nods and takes water form, then flows up the mountainside. SKLeader glides after her. ]

Hey! Don't you have something better to do?

[ Gravitor falls toward the rocks surrounding the crack and lands over the entrance. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
One of these rocks has to be loose. Ah, forget it; the lava will work.

[ Lava bubbles up from the stream and rains up toward SKLeader. SKLeader stabs the Lava with its longsword, and the lava is bathed in black fire that follows SKLeader toward Gravitor. ]

[ Gravitor sighs and drops into the crack, clinging to the wall to avoid the lava. He pulls himself along the wall above the lava into the crack. Above, the black fire strikes the rocks and a cloud of black fog bursts into existence around the opening. ]

[ INT. LAVA CHAMBER - DAY. : The lava continues to rise in large waves that reach as high as the top of the pillars beneath the statue. ]

[ Water-Hydron flows over the lava and lands atop one of the pillars, taking human form. Hydron crouches over the statue, and sparks jet from it as she raises her hand. ]

It's made from the keys...

[ Gravitor flies in and floats up to the ceiling. ]

We've got to get it in the lava; that should destroy it.

[ Hydron grits her teeth and pushes on the stone at the base of the statue. Sparks flow from the statue's horns and along her body as lava rises around the pillars and up toward the Statue. ]

Get away from it!

[ Hydron pulls back and becomes water that flows back into the lava. SKLeader glides into the chamber, sword raised, approaching Gravitor. ]

You want it? Take it!

[ The Statue lifts from the pillars and flies toward SKLeader. Lava follows it and surrounds it in a bubble. SKLeader slashes the lava, and it becomes a ball of black Fire that spins around the Shadow Kro in a tight orbit. ]

Oh really?

[ The black Fireball flies away from SKLeader and falls toward the lava. Water-Hydron lands on one of the pillars and takes human form. The pillar is too thin to stand on, though, and she slips, hanging over the lava with her arms on the pillar. The lava continues to rise and fall, nearly touching her each time; smoke rises from her uniform. ]

I think it's time to leave.

I loosed the pillars; throw one!

[ Gravitor drops toward the pillar that Hydron holds to and lands on it. Hydron grabs his foot and pulls herself up. SKLeader glides toward them. ]

Throw the pillar!

We'll fall.


[ Hydron takes water form and drops into the lava. Gravitor turns as SKLeader approaches with sword extended. One of the pillars wobbles, then flies out of the lava and strikes SKLeader in the chest. SKLeader is consumed in black Fog as it falls into the lava. Another pillar tilts and falls into the lava; as it falls, the Statue is visible drifting near the surface of the lava. The pillar strikes the statue and it falls in a cloud of sparks. The lava flows over the sparks, then begins to fall. Soon, all the lava has flowed from the chamber, other than a shallow bit near the floor, which slows and cools. The room fills with dark smoke. ]

[ EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY. : Wind drags Glacier away from the now several meters wide river of lava. The lava continues to expand, more quickly than Wind can move while dragging Glacier. ]

[ The remaining Shadow Kro glides over the lava toward Wind. ]

WIND (shrieking):

[ Wind turns and raises her good arm, and a bgust of wind throws the Shadow Kro back. Its cloak catches the lava and begins to burn; as the Shadow Kro is slowly pushed into the lava and its cloak burns, the lava flow suddenly begins to thin. A chunk of gold bobs in the lava, then sinks under the lava; the flow thins considerably. The Shadow Kro falls backward and vanishes beneath smoke in the lava. The lava continues to flow down the mountainside, but no new lava joins the flow, ending the river. ]

They did it...

[ Wind falls to her knees and attempts to pull Glacier farther from the slowly shrinking lavaflow. ]

Shanan... Charles... please come out.

[ A cloud of steam drifts over the lava and floats toward Wind, followed by Charles, who accelerates slowly as he approaches Wind. The steam becomes Hydron, and Gravitor drops to the ground and falls to his knees bnear the others. ]

Don't ever scare me like that again!

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. HOSPITALROOM - DAY. : Wind sits on a bed as a doctor examines her arm. Hydron and Gravitor stand at the foot of the bed. ]

[ A small TV hangs on the wall at the foot of the bed, showing Xai and Yung (reference episode 6) holding unclear objects over a nondescript background. Their movements and voices are sped up slightly. ]

XAI (on TV):
Thanks, but I can handle it on my own with these Enzanshi.

YUNG (on TV):
Sigma and Stan are having trouble; you'll need my help!

I have no idea what a better way to treat a single limb would be, but so far things look good.

So long as we don't have another Shadow nut walking around.

That isn't funny.

It sounds like I can come in.

[ Everyone other than the Doctor looks toward the door; Black Eagle steps through and into the room. ]

[ The scene on the television switches to show a woman with long black hair in a brown bodysuit smirking evilly at a man and woman who are struggling to stand. ]

ZENKIN (over TV):
It's been so much fun, I'm not sure I want to finish you.

Have you seen Glacier?

Yes. He's just fine. I'm guessing he'll be well enough that we can get out of here ahead of schedule. I have to say, I'm impressed. Between the four of you, we've put an end to those blasted keys, tore that Kro army apart, and threw two terrorists into prison.

Wait, what?

Doctor, if you don't mind.

[ The doctor nods and leaves the room. ]

On our way over here, Kamal tried to hijack our plane to attack the Kro. But that didn't work out so well for him.

About that. Someone stopped by earlier... Facques? They said that Dark Bob's dagger was stolen from the police station.

[ At the utterence of Dark Bob's name, the image on the TV pans to a ninja who is watching the battle; a gong sounds on the TV. ]

WIND (shocked):

It was one of the Kro by the sound of it. Tore through the place with a mace. I don't know how he got out without being shot. But the dagger's gone. So we can only assume that it was important to the Kro. If all the Kro knew about the betrayal plot--and I'm assuming they did--then this wasn't an order from Kimal.

[ The TV shows Xai and Yung confronting Zenkin. ]

So what; are we going after the dagger, now?

No. We're bgoing home. You won out there today; rest now.

A new Hensuu? This complicates matters. Warizan will want to know.


I haven't heard thatin a while. What is it, Hydron?

That dagger was odd to touch. It was almost like the keys. And...

[ Hydron trails off. Black Eagle looks at her suspiciously. ]



I'll bet.

[ Black Eagle smirks. ]

BLACK EAGLE (cont'd):
Enjoy your break. We're going home tomorrow night.

[ Black Eagle turns to walk out of the room. ]

Great; another night sleeping on a plane.

It's better than a night on that mountain.

Better than what would happen if we'd ran away.

It was the smarter plan. Just like how Hydron took out the statue. One of these days, you'll have to teach me to be as smart as you.

[ Wind laughs. Fade to black. ]

12:25PM 2/23/2010