Episode 13: ?

Writer:  C. A. E. Jones.

10:00AM 3/25/2010

[ INT. LIVINGROOM - DAY. : Focus on the screen of a television, showing a scene of a naval cruiser leaving a port. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over):
This ship departed from a military prison facility in an unspecified location in the last week of January. The ship made several stops to transfer prisoners.

[ The scene on the television changes to the image of handcuffed men in gray jumpsuits being herded into a prison cell. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over, cont'd):
Voyages like this one deal with sensitive international cases. The escaped hijackers were involved in an international plot.

[ The scene changes to show Jeanjames (episode 5) in a white room. ]

They have had operations in Cairo. A friend of mine was put in the hospital because of them.

[ The scene changes to show Jeanjames leaning against a rock wall (see episode 5) while two other men examine an obelysk protruding from a dirt slope. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over):
They've left a trail of blood in Egypt.

[ The scene changes to show several Mexican police officers looking around a city street; the camera focuses on bullets and shrapnel littering the ground. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over, cont'd):
In Mexico,

[ The scene shows a shot of a van on an open highway, the doors cut to shreds. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over, cont'd):

[ Shot of men in red coats searching around a hilly landscape. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over, cont'd):
The United Kingdom and Denmark.

[ The scene changes to show several U.S. naval boats in the water near a shoreline; a portion of a port is visible to one side. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over, cont'd):
And now these two hijackers have escaped, easily close enough to the Virginia coastline to enter the U. S.

[ The image changes to a mugshot of Kamal. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over):
One of the escaped prisoners goes by Kamal, and is the son of the leader of his terrorist organization.

[ Change to mugshot of Dark Bob. ]

ANCHORWOMAN (voice-over, cont'd):
The other has little known identity, and has been referred to only by the peculiar name of Dark Bob.

[ Zoom out. The image on the screen changes to show an anchorwoman and anchorman sitting in a news studio. The television sits on a long table; beside the TV sits a faded statuette of a pointy-headed man whose right arm stops at a jagged edge near the elbow. As the scene pans, an armchair comes into view, with Mrs. Lemburen (episode 3) seated in it. ]

Multiple military and security organizations have stated willingness to participate in the search for the escaped hijackers, though so far the two men have left no trail to follow.

Charles... What are you mixed up in?

[ EXT. ABOVE HIGHWAY - NIGHT. : Two trucks drive by. ]

[ INT. TRUCK - NIGHT. : A man and woman sit in the front seats (reference episode 12), with Spectro and Aluben in the back. Spectro holds a walky-talky in his right hand. ]

BLACK EAGLE (over radio):
And now two men are dead, and those two terrorists are running loose.

You think they'll call us in on it?

BLACK EAGLE (over radio):
And what would you do? You wouldn't take down Eoce when you had the chance.

We're stopping killers, not creating them.

BLACK EAGLE (over radio):
With these nutjobs, it's kill or be killed.

[ Spectro sighs and puts down the radio. ]

Let's pull over.

What for?

I need to take care of something.


[ One of the trucks pulls over and stops. The other slows , then pulls onto the shoulder behind the first. The door of the first truck opens and Spectro steps out on the side of the truck facing the middle of the road. The shoulder-side back door of the other truck opens and Black Eagle gets out and walks around the truck toward Spectro. ]

What are you doing?

I'm going to find Kamal and Dark Bob.


[ The sound of a small airplane can be heard. ]

My way.

[ The back and passenger doors of the back truck open, and Hydron and Gravitor emerge and approach Black Eagle and Spectro. ]


We've been in Eoce's world. We're going in for examination.

And leaving those two on the loose? What happened to "kill or be killed"?

We're not doing this again.

[ A small airplane descends over head and touches down on the road. ]

That's my ride.

[ Spectro turns and runs after the plane as it slows to a stop. ]

Hey! Get back here!

[ The driver's door of the back truck opens and Wind steps out. ]

Is he taking a plane from here?

You can keep that on the ground, can't you?

Well... maybe, but I don't want him to crash...

[ Up the road, the entrance to the cockpit of the plane opens. Spectro approaches and enters. Gravitor and Hydron approach the plane. ]

Spectro, wait!

I'm waiting.

[ Black Eagle and Wind approach. ]

Listen to me! Do you think you can get away with disobeying direct orders?

If you could put handcuffs on Fieron and were ordered to go do the dishes, would you?

[ Black Eagle growls. ]

Fine. Go. But you're taking these three with you.

WIND / GRAVITOR (surprised):

And you're reporting everything. Got it?

Yes, sir.

Can we all fit in there?

Depends who you ask.

Just get in. And get out of here.

Aye-aye, Captain.

[ Hydron, Gravitor and Wind make their way into the plane. ]

BLACK EAGLE (muttering):
Wouldn't last five seconds in the military.

[ The entrance to the plane closes and it accelerates down the road. ]


What is he doing?

[ EXT. ABOVE ROAD - EVENING. : Spectro's plane lifts off of the road and slowly turns to the left. ]

[ EXT. CROSSROADS - EVENING. : The land around the pavement is uneven grassy fields spotted with bushes and small evergreen trees. ]

[ Glacier walks from the front-left toward the intersection of the roads. A white car with dimmed blue lights atop it approaches from the opposite direction. ]

OFFICER1 (over speaker):
Please step to the side of the road.

[ Glacier shrugs and steps to the side of the road, though continues walking. the car stops, and the driver's door opens; a policeman steps out and stands in Glacier's path. ]

Please stop where you are.

[ Glacier stops walking. The policeman approaches him. ]

Security's been raised pretty high; I'll need to see some identification.

[ Shot from behind the policeman; Glacier can be seen moving his hand, though where to is obscured by the policeman. A second car with dimmed roof-lights drives into view and stops behind the first. ]

[ Side-view of Glacier and the policeman. Glacier's hand is extended, and the policeman withdraws his hand as though taking something; in his hand is a plastic card. ]

Intensive Situation Defense Agency? Where'd you get this?

From the ISDA.

[ The policeman pulls a walky-talky from his side and holds it near his face. ]

This is unit three sixteen. I've got a guy in spandex with a fishy ID.

[ Dissolve to... ]


ISDACHAIRMAN (voice-over, telephone):
You will meet Black Eagle at the airport.

[ INT. SMOKEY OFFICE - LIT. : Glacier stands in front of a desk, a bigger policeman than previously seen in the seat across the desk. A telephone sits on the desk with a red light glowing near the receiver. ]

ISDACHAIRMAN (voice-over, telephone, cont'd):
Should you encounter Kamal or Dark Bob, you will apprehend them by any means necessary.

Today, I think we're better off listening. Since those two are running loose, I'll have an officer escort you to that airport, if you'll accept.

As you wish.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. SKY - NIGHT. : A small airplane surrounded in a sphere of blackness flies by. ]

[ INT. AIRPLANE - NIGHT. : The sound of the plane's engine is loud. Spectro sits in the pilot's seat with Wind beside him. Gravitor is behind Wind, and Hydron behind Spectro. Gravitor appears uncomfortable. ]

OFFICER2 (over radio, staticful):
Two men fitting the descriptions were spotted heading south from a military surplus warehouse on James Street.

Military surplus? Did they take explosives, now?

They escaped a prison transfer boat in the ocean with plenty of armed guards. Considering the trouble Kimal's people went through over that dagger Dark Bob had, he must be on the smarter side if Kimal trusted him with it. I don't think they'd let themselves be seen that easily unless it was for a reason.

Or maybe they just slipped up trying to pick up some weapons and were spotted by the police.

Well, in that case, they won't need our help getting caught. Either they're heading a completely different direction, or the police will catch them. In either case, it's a better idea for us to land somewhere to the north. Northeast if they're heading for the ocean, which would be crazy with the coastguard on high alert, or northwest for the mountains.

I hope you're right.

It's awefully late for a wild goose chase.

If I'm completely wrong, I buy all of you tickets to the event of your choosing.

[ EXT. SKY - NIGHT : The previously-seen airplane flies through the sky, starting to descend. ]

[ EXT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. : Only one uwindow on the modestly sized, steep-roofed house is lit. A squarish, wooden porch is centered in front of the house, with a set of darkened steps leading groundward. A set of round stepping stones lead from the bottom of the steps to an asfalt driveway to the side of the house (screen left) that leads off screen into the foreground. ]

[ The sound of an airplane approaches rapidly. ]

[ Seen with the driveway parallel to the screen (house in the background (screen left)), Spectro's plane slows to a stop at the edge of the driveway. A big-sounding dog barks from somewhere nearby. The entrance to the plane opens, and Spectro jumps out, followed by Hydron, Gravitor, and less enthusiastically, Wind. ]

We don't need some guy with a shotgun chasing us off.

I told you; we need to park, not just land.

[ With the house again in the background, a figure can be seen in the lit window. The front door opens, and a man steps out, wearing a heavy coat and holding a rifle. ]

FARMER (calling):

[ From the side of the plane. Spectro steps in front of the plane and faces the house. ]

SPECTRO (calling):
Hey. Sorry to drop in on you like this...

[ The coated man walks to the bottom of the porch-steps and steps onto the first stepping stone. Spectro moves to the edge of the driveway. ]

You havin' trouble?

Not exactly. We came looking for those terrorists that escaped. We heard they might be in this area.

I don't got any terrorists in here, unless you count my boys messin' with ants last week.

I didn't think you did. We just need a place to park while we look around. Is that all right with you?

I'll let you keep your plane here til mornin', so long as you watch where you poke around on my property. You with the police?

Not the police. We're with someone, but that's not so important right now.

Not with the terrorists, are you?

No, sir.

I'll take your word for it so long as you don't give me reason to think different.

Thanks. We won't bother you again if they don't show up here.

All right.

[ The coated man turns and walks up the stairs stoicly. Once he's on the porch, he turns to the door and enters, shutting it behind him. Once the door is closed, Gravitor, Wind and Hydron move to stand beside Spectro. ]

You could have asked if we could stay the night. Maybe we could've gotten food out of it.

[ Wind punches Gravitor in the shoulder. ]

Just be glad he's letting us park. So what now?

Now we search.

Randomly? There's plenty of space out here; it could take a day just to search this farm.

[ Spectro turns and walks toward the side of the house. The others look after him. Spectro faces away from the house and holds up a hand which begins to glow softly red. ]

We all give off some infrared. Two guys that have been on the run might be hotter than most of us.

[ Shot from behind of the group looking out into a field. A few distant, faint dots of red appear near the horizon, spread throughout the area. ]

Are those dots supposed to be infrared signals?

Something like that. I've shifted all the infrared coming our way into visible light.

Wouldn't whoever's there see it?

It's only coming toward us. Only people on this side of the lights can see them.

How can we tell if any of those red dots are our guys?

[ Closer shot of the lights. Though still distant, one slightly larger red dot is moving swiftly toward screen right. ]

GRAVITOR (OS, cont'd):
They're just red dots from here. Kamal and Dark Bob might not be anywhere near here.

[ Behind the group. Hydron steps forward and extends an arm to point at something in the distance. ]

That one's moving pretty quickly. And away from the urban areas we flew over.

Let's see if I can zoom in.

[ All but the moving dot fade. Zoom in on the moving dot, which glows more brightly. As the view draws closer, it can be seen that there are actually two dots that are very close together. The shape of the lights becomes more humanoid. ]

Definitely two guys running for the hills.

[ Behind the group. ]

Can you pull their images closer to us or something?

I think so.

[ Spectro turns a bit toward the back of the house and holds out his glowing hand, which shifts to orange, then yellow. The red lights appear to move closer, become clearly humanoid in shape, then resolve into the images of Kamal and Dark Bob; the images are distorted as though reflected in moving water. ]

Woah! That's them all right. Gosh, that was fast!

A little too fast.

Hey, I told you my thoughts the whole time.

I know. Can't a guy use a cliche every now and then?

So are we going to catch them or not?

They're dangerous, remember. Even without the dagger, they did a lot of damage to people that knew how to defend themselves.

That's true, but that doesn't mean they can handle what we can do. But just in case... Spectro, can you make us invisible?

All of us? Sure, as long as we stay mostly together.

All right, then what are we waiting for?

Charles to make me light enough so we can travel by air.

All right.

[ Gravitor jumps into the air. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
Come on!

[ Spectro jumps into the air. Wind takes flight, and Hydron takes water form and rises into a cloud around the others. Spectro holds up his hand, and the group fades into invisibility as they begin to move. ]

[ EXT. SKY - NIGHT. : A jet flies through the air. ]

[ INT. HANGER - NIGHT. : The previously-seen jet comes to a stop. ]

[ The side of the jet opens and the gray-clad man and woman from the truck step out, followed by Aluben and Theracy, and finally Black Eagle. A man in airport security atire enters from screen right. ]

I hate flying.

It reminds me of a dream I used to have.

Is one of you the pilot of that jet?

I am. ISDA field officer Black Eagle. Following reports on the escaped terrorists.

Black Eagle? There's someone waiting for you at the main entrance. The only name he gave was "Glacier".

Glacier's here?

That's good to hear. Can you get us to him?

Just follow me.

[ The guard turns and walks off screen; everyone else files after him once Black Eagle takes the lead. ]

[ INT. AIRPORT - SECURITY CHECKPOINT - LIT. : The area is filled with people and noise. A long line of noisy people winds around a desk with a glass window separating the woman behind it from the people in the crowd. Glacier stands to one side with Officer1 and another security guard. ]

[ Black Eagle and the first security guard push their way through the crowd toward Glacier. ]

It's a madhouse in here.

Security's on high alert, so the checks are taking a lot longer than usual.

I'm not surprised. Just annoyed.

[ Black Eagle and the guard approach Glacier. ]

Looks like your party has arrived.

I don't know what brought you here, Glacier, but I hope it's something good.

Spectro's searching to the west.


Someone out toward the hills called in an airplane landing in his driveway. He talked to a guy in a costume. Said it was blue and yellow with a white helmet.

That's Spectro, all right.

OFFICER1 (more quietly):
The fugitives were spotted heading south. Where that airplane landed is way off from that path.

Thanks for the information. Glacier, come with me. Aluben and Yellow are waiting outside.

[ Black Eagle turns to follow the first guard back through the crowd. Glacier follows Black Eagle. ]

[ INT. TAXICAB - NIGHT. : Black Eagle sits in the passenger's seat. Theracy sits behind the driver, with Aluben in the middle and Glacier behind Black Eagle. ]

Are we going to go find Spectro and the others?

We're better off splitting up to cover more ground. If someone could tell us what they're doing over there, though, that would be helpful.

[ Theracy nods, puts her hands on her knees and lowers her head (if her eyes are visible, she closes them here.). ]

[ Dissolve to... ]


[ Kamal and Dark Bob climb up the hill. Kamal stops a few feet from the top. Dark Bob keeps walking. ]

There is no need for this elaberate game of chase. Surely Guopin waits for us at the harbor.

[ From above, Dark Bob can be seen walking down the opposite side of the hill to the same distance that Kamal is from the top on his side. Dark Bob stops, drops to one knee and picks up a fist-sized stone. ]

What are you doing with that stone?

[ The sound of wind grows louder. Dark Bob turns around, then walks around the hill. ]

[ Seen from the side, a second image of Kamal drifts toward the edge of the screen, distorting as though seen through water before vanishing. Dark Bob turns to follow the moving image. ]

[ EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - NEAR HILLS - NIGHT. : A faintly visible cloud moves over the land. Faint silhouettes of Gravitor, Wind and Spectro fade in and out of visibility within the cloud. ]

Is he looking at us?

[ Spectro makes a "shsh" sound. ]

SPECTRO (whispering):
Gravitor, can you make that rock heavier?

GRAVITOR (quietly):
If we get just a little closer.


[ Dark Bob pulls back his arm, then thrusts it forward, hurling the stone into the night. Dark Bob then turns and runs down the side of the hill opposite Kamal, disappearing among rocky outcroppings that litter the uneven landscape. ]

What are you doing? Wait, you fool!

[ Kamal runs over the hill and follows Dark Bob's path. ]

[ Seen from the hill, the rock flies for the cloud. Gravitor fades into existence, dropping to the ground. Spectro likewise lands beside him, followed by Wind. The cloud condenses into a sphere of water above the three, then drops to the ground beside Wind and takes Human-Hydron form. ]

How did he know?

I don't think he did. At least not before we started talking.

Throwing rocks every time you get nervous doesn't seem like a good way to avoid notice.

He was looking toward us. He knew noone would notice that wasn't already watching.

Well, let's not let them get away.

[ Spectro starts running toward the hill. Gravitor runs after Spectro, but lifts off the ground at one particularly powerful step. Wind and Hydron run after them. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]


Here we are.

They're following them...

How much would it cost for a little detour?

I'd have to report it, but about as much as another trip.

Do you take credit?

[ EXT. ROCKY FOREST - NIGHT. : The trees grow thicker toward the background, but a variety of relatively large rocks separate many of them. ]

[ Dark Bob runs into view before disappearing behind a tree. ]

You should let me keep up with you!

[ Kamal runs into view and looks around before continuing to run. ]

[ Gravitor flies through the air and lands sideways on a treetrunk. Spectro, Wind and Hydron run into view and stop near Gravitor. ]

This won't be easy.

It's not like they can hide.

[ Spectro holds up his hand and it glows red-orange. The midsections of several trees become transparent, and Dark Bob can be seen sneaking off to the side in the background. ]

On him.

[ Gravitor walks around the tree to the other side and jumps off, falling toward Dark Bob. Wind and Spectro run around the trees and over the rocks in the direction that Dark Bob went. Hydron takes water form and flows after Wind and Spectro. A fox pokes its head out from behind a large rock. ]

[ EXT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. : Black Eagle, Aluben and Glacier stand in front of Spectro's airplane. ]

[ Theracy walks slowly toward the others, her head lowered (if visible, her eyes are closed.) ]

Aluben, can you grab her before she runs into something?

[ Aluben steps back and takes Theracy's wrist, pulling her closer to the group. ]

They're still chasing.

Which way?

[ Theracy looks up and opens her eyes. ]


Where are they from here?


[ Theracy faces behind the house and points into the distance. ]

That way.

Can you watch both of us?

Both? I'm watching six people...

[ Black Eagle steps a few feet from the side of the house. His fiery wings ignite and he jumps into the air, soaring into the distance. ]

Are you leaving us?

BLACK EAGLE (calling back):
Tell me if I'm close.

[ Glacier steps to the side of the house and begins walking along it. ]

Does anyone have something to call him with?



[ Theracy and Aluben turn toward the porch of the house. ]

[ The coated man stands on the porch with his rifle in hand, looking tired and frowning. ]


[ Dark Bob runs through the trees, more often concealed by the vegetation and stones than visible. Kamal tries to follow, moving with less ease and agility. Gravitor flies into view, falling toward Kamal. ]

The abomenations!

[ Kamal jumps behind a tree. Gravitor falls into the tree, grunting in pain. He grabs onto the tree with his hands and attempts to throw himself toward Kamal, kicking at him. Kamal ducks and crawls over a rock. Gravitor lets go of the tree and falls backward onto Kamal, who rolls sideways, throwing himself and Gravitor off of the rock. Gravitor gets to his feet as Kamal keeps trying to run away. Water-Hydron flows over some rocks and after Kamal, while Wind and Spectro run through the trees. ]

You can't get away so easily, Kamal.

I will never fall to your tainted hands!

[ Dark Bob becomes visible on the foreground side of a tree, holding a stone. ]

Charles, Dark Bob's--

[ Dark Bob throws the rock. Gravitor turns in time for the rock to catch him in the jaw. Gravitor yells and holds up his hand as he staggers backward. Dark Bob runs behind the tree. Water-Hydron rushes toward Kamal, who runs out of sight. ]

[ Spectro and Wind run to Gravitor. ]

Are you ok?

GRAVITOR (pained, talking as though something is in his mouth):
Yeah. Don't let them get away!

[ Shot of Dark Bob weaving through the trees as Kamal runs haphazardly behind him. A stone large enough to crush Kamal's torso flies through the air toward Kamal's back. Water-Hydron rushes under the stone, though the stone accelerates and passes over her. A fox steps into view between a rock and a tree ahead of Kamal, and Kamal turns to look toward the fox. A small fiery aura glows around the fox before it makes a leap toward Kamal. Kamal ducks, and the rock strikes the fox in the side. The fire around the fox grows into a large aura as an explosion of golden sparks pushes back the rock. Kamal hurries out of the way and runs over the stone near which the fox was lurking. The rock falls to the ground and the fox lands, its aura turning into a gold glow. Wind, Gravitor and Spectro stand side by side further up the path of the stone. Water-Hydron waits in a pool on the other side of the rock. ]

No way...

Fierox? Here?

[ Fierox growls. ]

FIERON (OS, distant, calling, echo):

[ Fierox's ears perk. Fierox turns and races off into the trees. Water-Hydron flows over the rock and hurries after Fierox. ]

Ok, enough of this...


[ EXT. FOREST - NIGHT. : Kamal runs through the trees and rocks. ]

[ Dark shapes become visible, crossing Kamal's path and drifting through the trees. ]


[ Kamal slows to a stop as the trees around him appear to move. ]

What sorcery is this?

[ An image of Spectro appears in front of Kamal. ]

What are you doing?

[ Kamal runs around "Spectro", only for the image to fade as another appears in Kamal's path. Kamal stops abruptly, then turns to run in another direction. The Spectro image fades and another appears in Kamal's path. ]

I will not let you stand in my way!

[ Kamal charges for Spectro, but goes through him, yelling fiercely. ]

[ EXT. CLIFF - NIGHT. : The cliff is high and rocky. There are many rocks and trees visible at the top, and the bottom of the cliff is surrounded by large rocks, though there is thick forest all around it. ]

[ Kamal yells as he flies over the edge of the cliff. As he falls, he twists and grabs onto a protruding rock, managint to stop himself just out of reach of the top of the cliff, still too high to drop safely. Kamal breathes hurriedly. Pan down so that Kamal and the distance below are visible, but the top of the cliff is not. ]

Pointless. The abomenation made my glorious charge pointless!

Having trouble?

[ Kamal looks up. Pan up to reveal Fieron standing atop the cliff. ]

Who are you?

Some call me Fieron. That cliff isn't a safe place to spend the night.

Who do you serve?

Serve? I serve no man.

[ EXT. ABOVE FOREST - NIGHT. : Black Eagle flies over the forest. ]

[ Zoom in on Black Eagle. ]

I don't believe it...

[ Zoom out. Black Eagle descends. ]


[ Fieron steps off the edge of the cliff and hovers in the air. ]


Is it? Physics are far less sorcerous than you seem to believe.

[ Fieron slowly descends to Kamal's level and reaches out to take his arm. Blue sparks flow down Fieron's arm and surround Kamal in a spark-net. Fieron slowly rises, carrying Kamal with him. Once they are above the top of the cliff, Fieron and Kamal move over the ground and land. The spark-net fades. ]

Watch your step from now on.

[ Fiery light in the shape of Black Eagle's wings appears over Fieron and Kamal. Kamal looks up. ]

Black Eagle... of course.

[ Black Eagle descends to land on the non-cliff side of Fieron and Kamal. His wings fade. ]

Helping out your terrorist buddies, huh?

Presumptuous, as usual.

No evasive talk, this time. I saw you.

So you did.

I'm taking you down, this time.

[ Fieron laughs. ]

No, you're not. But who am I to deny you an attempt?

[ Black Eagle holds up his fists, which glow blue. ]

Arrogant punk!

[ Blue light erupts from Black Eagle's fists in two beams that join into one. Sparks envelop Black Eagle's arms and the light and flow for Fieron. Fieron jumps into the air, holding down one hand. Fire flows down Fieron's arm and forms a shield against the oncoming sparks as Fieron rises above them. Fieron holds out his other arm and thrusts it at Black Eagle, throwing a fiery projectile at him. The fire strikes Black Eagle in the chest, and the spark-onslaught dims slightly. Fieron lowers his arm to join the shielding arm, and sparks and Fire flow from both and push Black Eagle into a tree. The sparks and fire die, and Kamal runs behind Fieron and off screen. ]

I've had enough!

[ Black Eagle jumps into the air. His wings ignite as he flies at Fieron. ]

Keep trying the same strategy, and you will keep failing.

[ Black Eagle holds up his fists and quickbeams Fieron. Fieron's fist is surrounded in blue sparks and he punches at Black Eagle's beam. The light flows up Fieron's arm and around his shoulders . Fieron's other arm is bathed in flame as the light flows into it. Fieron extends the fiery hand toward Black Eagle, sending a streak of fire at him. Black Eagle's wings disappear in a cloud of flame as he drops beneath the projectile, then holds up his hands and quickbeams Fieron from below. Fieron pulls himself into a ball and dives over black Eagle, landing behind him. As Black Eagle spins, thrusting out his fist. Fieron turns and steps back, holding up a hand to catch Black Eagle's strike. Sparks surround Fieron's and Black Eagle's fists. ]

[ Spectro, Gravitor and Wind emerge from the trees. ]

Go for it.

[ Wind holds out her arms, and the wind blows hard at Fieron from the side. Fieron pushes his heel into the ground and rises into the air. ]

Making me weightless won't help you.

BLACK EAGLE (struggling):

I wouldn't...

[ Sparks race around Fieron's body ]

If I could...

[ The sparks around Fieron intensify as his image becomes translucent. His skeleton becomes visible before he disappears intirely. Sparks flow up Black Eagle's arm and engulf him as he is thrown into the air, growling in pain. A streak of blue sparks appears in the air and races up and through the highest trees. ]

[ Black Eagle falls to the ground on the edge of the cliff. ]

Black Eagle, kick the ground; I won't let you fall.

[ Black Eagle strikes the ground with his right heel and his lower body rises into the air, leaving him hanging upside down. Black Eagle growls and reaches for the edge of the cliff, turning himself so that he can bring his feet toward the ground. ]

Ah, sorry about that.

[ Black Eagle gets to his feet and turns to face the others. ]

Always runs away. Stupid coward...

Shanan's following Fierox.

[ Black Eagle raises a fist. ]

BLACK EAGLE (enraged):

[ Black Eagle quickbeams a branch high in a tree, and it falls to the ground, burning at the base. ]

Hey, calm down!


Well, I can still track Kamal.

[ A faint red light appears in the direction that Kamal went. ]

[ Black Eagle clenches his fists at his sides and breathes calmingly before turning to face the light. ]

Fine. Let's move!

[ Black Eagle takes long, quick steps toward the light. Spectro and Wind hurry after him. Gravitor shrugs, then follows. ]

[ EXT. FOREST - NIGHT. : Fierox runs through the trees, pursued by a moving pool of water. ]

[ From another direction, Kamal runs into view and stops near a tree. Dark Bob drops from above and lands near Kamal. ]

Fieron! You should have waited for me, Dark Bob.

[ Fierox runs toward Kamal, fiery aura growing intense. Dark Bob opens his hands and pushes Kamal back. Kamal falls to the ground just as Fierox leaps into the air, flying through where Kamal was standing a moment earlier. Fierox lands atop a rock, turning to face Kamal and Dark Bob. Fire from Fierox's tail strikes a treetrunk as the fox turns, and fire begins to eat at the tree. Kamal gets to his feet. ]

And now this! We should have waited near the water! Guopin will be ready to take us away from here!

[ Fierox crouches low, gazing at Kamal. Water-Hydron circles Kamal and moves for the burning tree; the fire on the tree has risen to its lowest branches. ]

That fire will get the attention of the abominations! You fool; you've angered a fox-ddjin!

[ Dark Bob steps forward and quickly raises his hands, one gripping Kamal's shoulders and the other going for his head. ]

[ Focus on Water-Hydron racing up the tree, doucing the flames from below as they spread throughout the top of the tree. Off screen, Kamal gives a yell, then there is a loud crack, and a thud. ]

[ Shot of Fierox on the rock. Fierox growls and takes slow steps down from the rock. ]

[ Close on Dark Bob, who turns and walks off screen. A burnig branch drops from above. ]

[ EXT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. : Aluben, holding Theracy's arm, walks along side the house. The coated man walks behind him with his rifle aimed at Aluben's back. ]

I ain't seen no badges, and you people just show up without sayin' anythin' and are all wearin' superhero costumes. I'm startin' to think you're the terrorists.

We're not, really!

Well, where's this friend of yours?

He went this way. Glacier! Where did you go?

[ Theracy gasps and stops walking. Aluben stops and looks at her. ]

What is it?

Dark Bob killed him.



[ There is a light thud in the distance. ]

And how do you know that?

I can see...

[ a rock flies through the air in front of Aluben, striking the side of the house loudly before falling to the ground. The coated man turns in the direction that the rock was thrown from, holding his rifle at the ready. ]

That came from the direction of the barn.


[ In the distance, Glacier can be seen, getting up from a crouch, holding an ice-spear with both hands. ]

[ Aluben runs toward Glacier. ]

Glacier, what happened?

Dark Bob...

[ Close on Theracy and the coated man, the latter focusing on aiming his rifle. ]

[ Theracy closes her eyes for a second or so, then opens them in alarm. ]

He's in the barn!


[ The coated man starts running. Theracy looks after him with a fearful expression, then starts walking after him. ]

[ EXT. FOREST - NIGHT. : Ahead, fire is spreading through the treetops. ]

[ Spectro, Black Eagle, Wind and Gravitor hurry toward the flames. ]

Great. That's just what we need.

But they wouldn't have started that on purpose.

[ A downpour of steamy rain appears in front of Spectro, and he and the others stop as the water becomes Hydron. ]

Shanan? What happened?

Kamal's dead...

How did the fire start?

Fierox burned a tree.

Spectro, can you still find Dark Bob?


Then do it!

Should we call the firedepartment?

[ Spectro throws a celphone to Wind. ]

Go for it.

[ EXT. BEHIND BARN - NIGHT. : Not too far from the side of the wooden, chipped-painted building sits a silver gas tank roughly two meters long with a radius of at least a meter. Fierox crouches near the tank. ]

[ Glacier, Aluben and the coated man approach the barn. The coated man has his rifle aimed at the door. ]

FARMER (shouting):
Hey! Come out here, ya hear?

[ Theracy walks up behind the rest of the group. Glacier takes one hand from his spear and holds it up. A rounded ice-shield forms over his hand. Glacier hands it to Aluben. ]


A shield.

[ Theracy closes her eyes. ]

He's got a red jug...


[ The coated man cocks his gun loudly. Fierox slips around the building and out of sight. ]

FARMER (shouting):
You better get out of there now! I'm gonna count to five, and if you ain't on the way out, I'll come in shootin'!

He's coming toward the door...

DARK BOB (from inside barn, loudly):



[ Surrounded in fire, Fierox leaps back into sight, toward Aluben. Glacier turns and thrusts his ice-spear into Fierox's path. Fire around Fierox strikes the spear and consumes it. Fierox flies past. A ball of ice forms in Glacier's hand and he throws it at Fierox's back. ]

What the...!

[ The coated man turns toward Fierox and fires his rifle. Aluben and Theracy both dive for the ground; Aluben holds up the ice-shield between him and Fierox. ]

[ Slow-motion: the bullet from the coated man's gun strikes the fire surrounding Fierox. A wave of golden light expands outward from Fierox's head as the bullet is surrounded in flame. The wave throws the bullet aside. ]

[ Normal speed, from above. The golden wave expands as it moves outward from Fierox. Theracy gives a yelp as she scrambles out of the path of the wave. The coated man takes a step back and fires his gun again with no results. The golden wave strikes the coated man and knocks him off of his feet. The wave continues under him before fading away; the coated man lands on his back, dropping his rifle as he catches himself ]

[ Aluben turns and drives the ice-shield into Fierox's side. Fierox jumps back and turns as fire spreads onto the ice-shield, slowly shrinking it as water drips from it and steam rises from it. Over glacier's arms forms another, larger ice-shield. Glacier bears down on Fierox with the shield, though steam still rises from it as the flames clash with the ice. Fierox steps back further. ]

[ As Fierox moves, fire from the fox's tail is scattered into the air, and Theracy covers her head for protection. ]

[ The coated man picks up his rifle and gets to his feet, but the barn door swings into his path. Dark Bob runs past, carrying a jug of gasoline under one arm a hoe in his other hand. ]

[ EXT. BESIDE BARN - NIGHT. : Dark Bob runs past. The gas jug is tilted so that as Dark Bob runs, gas spills onto the ground. ]


[ The barn door swings shut as the coated man steps out from behind it. ]

Did he get out?

[ Theracy uncovers her head and looks up. She looks around, blinks, then appears alarmed. ]

He's heading for the plane!

[ Glacier drops his shield on Fierox and turns to run past the tank and around the barn. ]

We can't do nothin' about it with this devil fox here.

It's too dark for me to get enough hydrogen to knock it back.

[ Theracy looks around, then cautiously gets up and takes several steps back. ]


[ Fierox's ears perk. ]

Fierox, stop! Come here!

Are you crazy? Is that thing your pet?

It isn't our pet.

[ The fire around Fierox weakens as a golden aura fades into visibility around the fox. Aluben gets up and steps back, and Fierox watches him intently. ]

Fierox! Hey!

[ Fierox steps back and turns slightly toward Theracy. ]

Go after Dark Bob!

And leave the fox?


[ The farmer cocks his gun loudly. Fierox's aura fades. Fierox turns and runs off behind the tank. ]

FARMER (shouting):
And stay gone!

[ The farmer turns and hurries around the side of the barn opposite the tank. Aluben and Theracy follow. ]

[ EXT. BESIDE FARMHOUSE - DAY. : Dark Bob approaches Spectro's airplane. ]

FARMER (OS, shouting):
You stop right there, or I shoot!

[ An ice-spear flies through the air toward Dark Bob's back. Without turning, Dark Bob brings the handle of the hoe behind him and strikes the spear away from him. The coated man, Aluben and Theracy approach. ]


Not this time!

[ Dark Bob jumps into the air and lands on a wing of the airplane. The coated man fires his rifle. ]

Look out!

[ The coated man turns around. ]

[ Fierox runs at the coated man. ]

Not again...

[ Fierox leaps into the air. A golden aura forms around Fierox. The coated man turns and runs out of Fierox's path. Fierox lands near where Dark Bob was originally standing, and a small flame appears on the ground and begins racing away from the plane. Dark Bob jumps off of the wing and runs behind the plane. ]

[ The coated man turns to look toward Fierox, then looks alarmed. ]

He left a gas trail! That could hit the barn, or the gas tank!

[ Close on the grass, where a darkened line of moisture is now visible. A small flame enters along the moisture line. Once the flame reaches the center of the screen, the camera follows it. ]

[ The bottom of the previously-scene silver tank appears. A block of ice falls onto the flame, destroying it in a brief whisp of steam. ]

[ EXT. BESIDE BARN - NIGHT. : Glacier stands over a block of ice near the silver tank. ]

[ EXT. NEAR DRIVEWAY - NIGHT. : Aluben, Theracy and the coated man look away from the airplane. Fierox looks at the plane. ]

[ Dark Bob walks around the side of the plane opposite the others. ]

Glacier stopped it!

[ Dark Bob ducks out of sight behind the plane. Theracy turns around. ]

Dark Bob's hiding!

[ Aluben and the coated man turn around as a noise comes from the plane, as though it has received a powerful jolt. ]

Where'd he go?

[ Theracy closes her eyes, then opens them and runs around the front of the plane. Fierox turns to run around the back of the plane. ]

Hey, what do you think you're doing?

[ Seen from the other side of the plane, Dark Bob sets the gas-jug on the ground and leaps low, pushing off of the ground with the hoe. ]


[ Dark Bob rises and takes hold of Theracy's arm with his free arm. Fierox runs toward Dark Bob from behind. Dark Bob spins Theracy and turns, holding her between him and Fierox. Dark Bob brings up the hoe across Theracy's neck-level. ]

[ Fierox stops in front of Dark Bob and Theracy, holding up a paw. ]

[ On the other side of the plane, Aluben and the coated man look on. ]

Stupid girl, now he can do whatever he wants if we do anything.

[ In the background, Glacier moves into position, holding an ice-spear. ]

[ On the plane's right side, Dark Bob locks his arm around Theracy's neck, pulling her arm around her to complete the lock. Theracy shakily raises her foot and moves it toward Fierox's raised paw. Fierox takes a step back. ]

[ Dark Bob lowers the hoe to his side, then sweeps it back behind him. ]

[ Shot with Glacier and Dark Bob lined up on the left and right of the screen. Glacier throws an ice-spear at Dark Bob's back. Dark Bob swings the hoe back to deflect the spear, then swings it back forward and over his head. ]

[ Shot of Aluben and the coated man. ]

Now he's gone and done it...

[ Dark Bob brings the blade of the hoe toward Theracy's left shoulder. A black haze passes over Theracy's eyes. ]

[ Theracy holds out her left foot and raises her right. Fierox cautiously touches Theracy's extended foot with a paw, then moves forward as Theracy's other foot lightly touches Fierox's head. Fierox's golden aura glows dim and small. ]

[ Theracy's lower hand reaches up, though can't reach high enough to block the hoe. ]

Like the shard.

[ Fierox's aura intensifies, and faint golden light flows up Theracy's legs, up her body and into her raised hand. The glow expands upward, flowing into the hoe. A golden spark races down the shaft of the hoe. The glow brightens, then Theracy's shoulder drops from Dark Bob's grasp and she reaches up to catch the hoe above the blade. Sparks crackle where Theracy touches the hoe. ]


[ Sparks flow from Theracy's hand wlong the hoe, entering Dark Bob's hand. ]

[ Fierox sniffs the air, then pulls away, aura fading. The light around Theracy vanishes, and a shower of sparks floes from the hoe; both Dark Bob and Theracy release it, and Theracy slips free from Dark Bob's grasp. Theracy falls to the ground and ducks, picking up the hoe in the middle of the shaft and turning to bring the blade toward Dark Bob's chest. Dark Bob steps back and hits the hoe on the back of the blade, pushing it aside. Dark Bob turns in time to dodge an ice-spear that flies past his head, then runs away from the plane. ]

[ From the other side of the plane, the coated man raises his rifle. ]

Now he's gettin' away again!

If you shoot, the fox might attack again.

[ Glacier slides in the direction that Dark Bob went, propelled by ice that slides back and down from his feet. ]

[ The coated man looks at Aluben. ]

Well, he can make ice and she can see through walls... what can you do?

I can replace radiation and free particles with hydrogen.

Why aren't you people rich off of that?



[ Dark bob runs by. Glacier follows at a distance, propelled by ice from his feet. Fierox follows Glacier for a distance, then turns and runs into the background. ]

[ Close on Glacier as ice-spears form in each of his hands. Glacier throws one of the ice-spears. ]

[ Dark Bob sidesteps as Glacier's thrown spear approaches him, then turns and catches it. A second ice-spear flies at Dark Bob, and he catches it with his other hand. Dark Bob throws the first spear angled toward the ground. When the first spear is off screen, Dark Bob hurls the second on a higher path. ]

[ Shinguards of ice form around Glacier's legs as he jumps. One of the ice-spears strikes the ground between his feet. As Glacier returns to the ground, the second ice-spear comes at his chest. Glacier ducks to the side, though the shaft of the spear grazes his neck, and he falls onto his side. ]


[ Wide shot; Glacier lies on his side in the grass. His ice-trail is faintly visible in the relative darkness. Theracy runs toward Glacier, holding the hoe. Theracy throws tdown the hoe as she reachesGlacier's side; Aluben and the coated man run into view and approach Theracy and Glacier. Glacier turns and sits up. ]

He's already too far away. That man can run at night.

Are you ok?

[ Glacier nods and gets to his feet. Theracy steps back. ]

And what is that?

[ Everyone looks toward the background. A distant light, which takes the shape of Black Eagle's wings, is visible, growing closer. ]

Black Eagle!

[ From higher up, Black Eagle flies by the camera; Gravitor and Spectro fall after him. Wind flies after them, surrounded in a small cloud. ]

[ On the ground, Black Eagle lands, and his wings disappear in a cloud of flame. Gravitor and Spectro land, followed by Wind. The cloud around Wind moves beside her and condenses into a humanoid shape before becoming Hhydron's human form. ]

Yellow, keep on him.

[ Theracy frowns, steps back, and lowers her head, closing her eyes. ]

He hit Glacier.

Spectro, light.

[ Spectro steps closer to Glacier and holds up his hand; the area around Glacier's head and shoulders is lit as though with full daylight. ]

That's a really close hit. You should look at this.

[ Hydron steps closer and looks at Glacier's neck. She abruptly reaches up and touches his neck with the first two fingers on her left hand. ]

That's a difficult shot to make running in the dark. A little deeper, and he might already be dead.

Is it bad enough to need a doctor?

I'd recommend it. No more running tonight, anyway.

I don't aim to be rude, but does it take seven of you to deal with one injury?

The man has a point. Spectro, your plane's nearby, isn't it?


You and Hydron take it somewhere to deal with Glacier's neck. Everyone else, follow me.

[ Black Eagle turns and walks off screen right. Wind, Gravitor and Aluben turn to follow. ]

[ Fade to black. ]

[ Fade in to EXT. HARBOR - DAWN. : A large cruise ship, no less than eight stories above the water sits in the water near the shore. United States Coastguard patrol boats float in the water near the ship. ]

[ Zoom in on the veranda of a room whose window is visible from one of the middle decks of the ship. ]

[ A hand appears on the railing in the foreground, and Dark Bob flips over it, landing on the balcony. A narrow door opens in the side of the ship, and Guopin steps out onto the balcony. ]

Where is Kamal?

[ Dark Bob indicates the sky. ]



[ From above, a golden streak flies from the harbor toward the side of the ship. ]

[ On the balcony, Guopin looks toward the railing. A yellow streak of light flies over the railing and lands on the balcony. The light fades to reveal Fierox. ]

What is this? Did this attack you?

[ Dark Bob shakes his head. ]

It assisted in defending against the others.


[ EXT. BOAT - DAY. : A rust-colored fishing boat sits near the water. Kimal sits on a mahogany trunk in the boat. A metal safe sits beside the trunk (reference episode 6). A black radio with a large antenna sits on the trunk beside Kimal. ]

GUOPIN (over radio):
Do you mean that the ones with powers found you?

[ Kimal reaches beside the trunk and picks up a metal rod. ]

DARK BOB (over radio, quiet):
No less than seven.


Do they have Kamal?

[ Dark Bob shakes his head, then indicates the sky. ]

So he's dead, then?

[ EXT. BOAT - DAY. ]

[ Kimal strikes his rod against the floor loudly. ]

GUOPIN (over radio):
There is little time. The coastguard will have seen the fox cross the water.

There will be time.

[ Kimal stands and walks to the safe. He strikes the top of the safe with his rod, and it opens. Kimal kneels, places the rod on the ground, and pulls back the door of the safe, then pulls out the Nornish (see episode 6). Kimal slowly gets to his feet, turns around and holds the Nornish high over his head. ]

KIMAL (calling):
Sailors lost to the shadow!

[ The boat rocks as the water heaves violently. Gray clouds thicken and swirl in the sky. ]

KIMAL (cont'd):
I call to you!

[ The sky grows darker, nearly black. ]

[ Shot from above. Kimal's boat bobs violently in the ocean. A single bolt of lightning appears in the distance before the clouds thicken and form a black wall surrounding the boat for no less than a thousand feet. ]

KIMAL (calling, echo):
Answer, and you will receive a weapon of great power!

[ All around the tiny boat, large, trapezoidal ships emerge from the opaque wall of clouds, each bearing green sails. The ships appear somewhat pixelated (reference the airships from Super Mario Bros. 3). ]

[ Pan slowly around, viewing the numerous ships as they slowly circle and approach the tiny boat (behind the camera). ]

[ On the boat, Kimal still holds the Nornish high in the air. ]

Speed me to the new world, and you shall receive the Nornish, that when you escape the prison where the Kro and the Silver Queen of Pirates trapped you, its plagues will be for your vengeance upon their descendants!

[ From above, the ships continue to circle. Zoom out. The Nornish rises into the air, approaching the camera faster than it retreats. A black mist obscures the ships and boat below, and quickly consumes the Nornish. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. ROADBLOCK - DAWN. : Two US National Guard troops stand at the baricade. ]

[ Black Eagle approaches. Wind, Gravitor and Aluben walk up behind him; Wind pulls Theracy by the arm. Wind and Gravitor are visibly out of breath. When the group stops walking, Theracy opens her eyes and regards the baricade. ]

Dark Bob's on one of the ships in the harbor.

The coastguard is investigating. Please stay back from the barrier.

My team chased Dark Bob out of the hills. We can tell you exactly where he is.

[ Black Eagle raises and opens his fist, revealing a "ISDA" badge. ]

BLACK EAGLE (cont'd):
And it would be helpful if we could assist in the investigation.

We'll radio you in. If you know where a terrorist is, please tell.

[ Black Eagle lowers his hand and closes his fist. Black Eagle looks back toward Theracy. ]

Yellow, is he still there?

They've gone inside. Except... they've left Fierox on the balcony.

[ There is a sudden gust of wind, and clouds fill the sky. ]

Wind, can you put a hold on that?

[ Theracy turns toward the source of the wind and closes her eyes momentarily, then opens them. A black haze passes over her eyes, then fades. ]

[ Wind holds up a hand. The wind stops around the group, though debris and clouds moving behind the baricade reveal that the effect is localized. ]

That's the best I can do...

Kimal is here.


Are you people crazy?

[ Everyone looks toward Theracy. ]

Are you sure?

He's here.

[ Pan up and to the right. Slow dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. HARBOR - DAWN. : Clouds fill the sky, and lightning occasionally strikes, sometimes merely flashing in the background, sometimes visibly striking the edge of the water or the top of the cruise ship. The water moves in violent waves that crash against the shore, provoking rocking from the patrol boats and the massive cruise ship. Some of the previously-seen patrol boats are closer to the cruise ship. ]

[ Kimal's boat approaches the shore. Kimal stands up in the middle of the boat with a large metal coil behind him. ]

THERACY (voice-over, cont'd):
He's brought a weapon. And the power that's behind him...

[ A black mist rises behind Kimal's boat before dissolving and falling to the waves. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]


It reminds me of the Shadow Kro. But it is not the same.

Yeah. You screamed when you found them.

[ Theracy turns toward the baricade and walks toward it. ]

This is very serious, folks. The weather's turning bad; you might want to move along.

[ Theracy jumps over the baricade and reaches behind one of the guards, pulling up a nightstick that she holds like a staff. ]

Hey! Hold it!

Yellow, what are you doing?

I'm not running, this time.

[ Both of the guards reach for Theracy, who strikes both of their arms aside in a single motion and jumps the baricade once more, running to screen right. ]

Hey! Stop!

[ EXT. VERANDA - DAWN. : Fierox stares over the sea. ]

[ Fieron floats into view and lands atop the railing surrounding the veranda. ]

What brings you here?

[ Fire surrounds Fierox, who jumps up toward Fieron. Fieron holds out a hand and dsteps off of the railing, dropping to the veranda. Fierox lands, and Fieron kneels, taking one of Fierox's paws and placing his free hand on Fierox's head. Fierox's fiery aura fades and is replaced with golden light as sparks flow freely along Fieron's arms and around Fierox. ]

This may prove an advantageous point to begin our journey.

[ The door opens onto the veranda and Guopin steps out. ]

I hope you haven't led the coastguard to us.

Me? No.

That would be us.

[ From above, Glacier and Spectro can be seen riding an ice-platform that grows across the side of the ship. ]

[ On the balcony, Guopin holds up a hand. ]

You have power, but you are wreckless. Kimal himself has come to avenge his sons on you abomenations.

[ The ice-platform comes to a stop near the top of the railing. ]

That may be, but at least one of you is coming with us.

That won't be me.

Do not think that Kimal is a mere figurehead. Neither am I.

[ EXT. UNDERWATER - DAWN. : The water beneath a boat (the color matches Kimal's) churns violently. A metal turbine is attached to the boat, and it spins in the water. ]


[ Kimal steps around the coil and takes hold of something near its base. ]

For what you abomenations have done to my family, and my cause, you will be wiped from this world!

[ With a loud electronic roar, a jagged ray of golden light and sparks erupts from the coil. ]

[ The ray strikes the side of the ship, piercing Glacier's ice-platform. Glacier and Spectro are thrown against the side of the ship. The ship rocks as smoke and debris fall from it. A wave of water flies in and throws Glacier and Spectro over the railing onto the crowded veranda. Fierox jumps out of the way as they land. The water becomes Hydron on the veranda. ]

I see Kimal and Eoce have been interacting.

We know of no Eoce. Kimal finished a project abandonned by the Russians.

We have to keep that from hitting the ship again. Who knows how many people were just hurt...

I know how many.

[ EXT. HARBOR - DAWN. : Theracy walks along the railing on the edge of a pier. ]

[ Black Eagle, Gravitor, Wind and Aluben run along the pier. ]

Theracy! Stop!

What did he blast that ship with?

[ Pan so that Theracy, standing on the edge of the railing and holding up the nightstick is visible, with Kimal's boat in the corner of the screen. ]

Not this time.

[ Theracy raises the nightstick over her head. A bolt of lightning strikes the stick, and Theracy's knees bend, but she remains standing as sparks run along the railing beneath her. Both ends of the nightstick burst into flames. Theracy twirls the stick as she jumps toward Kimal's boat. ]

You send children at me? Insolant fools!

[ Kimal turns the coil toward Theracy. Theracy aims the nightstick at Kimal, and a shower of fire flies from the stick. Another blast of sparks and light bursts from the coil, and strikes Theracy. Fire surrounds her as she is thrown back. ]

[ On the pier, Black Eagle's group looks on in horror. ]


[ Gravitor jumps over the rail. ]

I've got her!

[ Wind flies after Gravitor. ]

[ A gust of wind catches Theracy as she approaches a support of the pier, throwing her back toward the sand below. Gravitor and Wind dive for her. The nightstick falls to the ground and vanishes in a puff of smoke. Wind and Gravitor both grab Theracy, and sparks flow from her into them as they both yell. The sparks shortly fade as Wind and Gravitor land on the sand; waves come up past their ankles. Theracy remains motionless. ]

Jees, that hurt!

Is she ok?

[ Wind and Gravitor step back from the water and lower Theracy to the ground. Wind takes hold of her wrist. ]

Come on, Theracy... I think I've got a pulse!

I don't know how she took a hit like that without a scratch. It must have had something to do with the lightning.

[ Close on Wind's face. Her hair is a mess around her face, though her terrified expression is clearly visible. ]

I hope that's all it was.

[ EXT. NEAR CRUISE SHIP - DAWN. : Alarms can be heard from the ship. ]

[ Spectro looks over the railing angrily, fists clenched. ]


I've seen enough.

[ Fieron jumps to the top of the railing. ]

SPECTRO (furious):
Where do you think you're going?

[ Spectro holds up a hand that glows brightly. White light surrounds Fieron. ]

I'm not playing with you today!

[ Fieron is surrounded in blue sparks. Fieron flies at Kimal's boat. Fierox jumps into the air, is surrounded by a golden glow, and follows. ]

[ Glacier holds out an arm and forms an ice-bat behind Spectro, then brings it forward to push Spectro into a stumble. Dark Bob appears behind Spectro, dagger where Spectro's neck was a moment earlier. ]

You found the dagger. You have Jienki and Ibn the Green to thank for that.

[ Glacier turns and swings the ice-bat at Dark Bob, who catches it with his dagger and titls his head out of the path of the bat. ]

Our business here is at an end.

[ Guopin spreads his arms wide, and Glacier, Spectro and Hydron stumble back against the railing. Dark Bob stands near Guopin; the dagger in Dark Bob's hand can now be seen to be the bone-handled red-violet-gemmed one seen previously (episodes 7-10). ]

We'll stop Kimal! Noone attacks the innocent like that and goes free! Noone!

[ Guopin rises into the air and floats over the railing. Dark Bob jumps after him. Both descend for Kimal's boat. ]

[ EXT. BOAT - DAWN. : Fieron and Fierox stand behind Kimal. ]

I've heard your justification for attacking this land. That doesn't excuse attacking children.

Oppose me, and you will be next!

[ Guopin and Dark Bob land in the boat. Patrol Boats come close to the boat. ]

COASTGUARD3 (over megaphone):
We have you surrounded! Surrender peacefully, or we will open fire!

[ Fieron holds up a hand, around which a field of sparks flashes. ]


[ Fieron jumps into the sky and brings both arms in front of him as both of his hands are engulfed in blue sparks. ]

We must leave at once.

The imprisoned will let this boat pass once more, and only once more.

Concentrate your fire on Fieron!

[ From above, several rockets can be seen firing from the patrol boats. Sparks form a field around Fieron and expand outward, deflecting all of the rockets back toward their launchers. Some of the rockets hit the water. A rocket strikes the boat behind Kimal's and explodes, sending the boat back into the waves. ]

[ On the boat, Kimal picks up his metal rod and places his feet on either side of the coil. ]

I will see vengeance on the abomenations myself. Guopin, I know my men doubt you, but they will not doubt the victorious Dark Bob. The two of you together must take my place.



SPECTRO (over radio):


SPECTRO (over radio):
I'm giving you all the radiation I can. Use it.

[ A yellowish cloud forms around Aluben. ]

You heard him.

[ Black Eagle's wings ignite and he takes flight. ]

[ EXT. UNDERWATER - DAWN. : The turbine spins. ]

[ The boat on one side of the turbine folds upward, and the turbine moves out into the water. ]


[ The side of Kimal's boat folds open so that the coil slips out onto the water with Kimal astride it. The boat returns to normal behind him, and Kimal rides the floating coil to shore. The coil remains in the shallows. ]

[ The boat moves backward, away from the shore. Rockets continue to fire from patrol boats at Fieron. Fierox jumps from Kimal's boat to one of the patrol boats, surrounded in fire. Fire flows in a wave from Fierox onto the boat, knocking the man at the cannon aside and setting fire to the floor. ]


[ Fierox turns, then jumps into the air, striking a rocket over the water. The rocket explodes, and a massive fireball falls to the waves, flying across them toward Kimal's boat as it disappears in a cloud of blackness. ]


[ Gravitor and Wind move Theracy further from the water and stand in front of her. ]

You'll regret everything you've done, Kimal.

I have no regrets. I only intend to see all of you destroyed for your crimes.

[ Wind throws out her hands, and a powerful gust pushes up the waves around Kimal. Kimal falls back, but thrusts his rod into the wet sand below to catch himself. ]

[ Kimal reaches for the coil. ]

Get Theracy!

[ Wind turns, ducks, and grabs Theracy. Gravitor jumps into the air. Wind jumps into the air, as soon as a massive beam of electricity tears through the air where she was. ]

[ Above, Gravitor and Wind--carrying Theracy--are thrown away from the blast. The beam continues. ]

[ Kimal struggles to control the coil as he attempts to move it to aim upward. ]

[ From above: Black Eagle swoops in to catch Wind and Theracy. ]

Black Eagle... thanks...

Get her out of here.


[ Wind flies off. ]

[ Shot from above, showing both the pier where Aluben stands and Kimal and the coil and its beam. ]

All right. I hope this works!

[ Aluben holds up his hands, and the cloud around him extends in the direction of the coil. ]

[ The camera follows the cloud as it flies for the coil. As the cloud surrounds the coild, a quickbeam comes from above. The cloud explodes in a ball of fire, and the coil-beam dies. Kimal falls back into the waves. ]

[ Black Eagle lands at the water's edge. Gravitor lands beside him. Only smoldering metal fragments remain of the coil in the water. ]

No way could he have survived that.

[ Kimal rises from the water, jabbing his staff hard under the water. ]

I will not die at sea.

[ Kimal steps forward. ]

You aren't getting past me.

[ Kimal brings up his rod and strikes Black Eagle in the knee. Black Eagle growls in pain and staggers. Kimal raises the rod higher and strikes Black Eagle in the chin. ]

[ Gravitor jumps toward Kimal, slamming into him hard. Both fly into the air and over the surface of the water. ]

You're through!

[ An ice platform extends over the water, carrying Glacier and Spectro. ]

Charles, this way!

[ Glacier holds up his arms and a broad shield of ice forms in front of him. Gravitor pushes Kimal into the water, flying upward in the process. Gravitor flips and lands on the ice-platform. ]

He can swim awefully well for an old guy that spends his time in the mountains.

Glacier, try and box him in.

[ From above, the ice-platform can be seen moving toward shore. Glacier gets to his hands and knees on the edge of the platform, and ice grows from his arms into the water. ]

[ Kimal again rises from the water, a distance down the shore from Taoe. He walks out of the water and onto the shore, using his rod like a walkingstick. ]

[ The ice-platform stops in the shallows. Spectro, Glacier and Gravitor step off of it and run ashore. Black Eagle approaches. ]

It's over, Kimal! You're surrounded by the coastguard, the national guard, and us!

KIMAL (breathing heavily):
You are too soft, and too far away.

Too soft? Is this soft?

[ Black Eagle extends a fist and quickbeams the sand at Kimal's feet. The sand explodes, and Kimal stumbles backward, using his rod for balance, though it sinks far into the sand and Kimal is nearly on the ground. Gravitor, Glacier and Spectro walk near and stand over Kimal. ]

Swing that stick again, and I'll microwave your hand.

My hand? Is that all?

[ Kimal makes his way to his feet. Glacier holds up a thick ice-shield. ]

For the glory!

Get away from him!

[ An explosion radiates from Kimal's left hip, filling the screen. ]

[ As seen from above, the explosion reaches into the water. A large cloud of sand bellows up for several meters around where Kimal stood. ]

[ Glacier and Spectro fly out of the cloud and fall into the water. Thin fragments of ice fly through the air over them; Glacier's ice-shield is nowhere to be seen. ]

[ Elsewhere on the beach, Wind stands beside Theracy, looking horrified. ]

Charles! CHARLES!

[ Wind starts running. ]

[ Shot of the dust-cloud. A gust of wind pushes much of the sand aside, revealing Wind standing on the edge of a crater that is quickly filling with muddy water. ]


[ Wind sweeps her arms in front of her, and wind blows the entire sand-cloud aside. ]

WIND (shouting, echoing):

[ Shot from above. Glacier stands in the water, pulling up Spectro--whose costume is replaced with a blue sweater and jeans, both of which are burned and torn. One sleeve of Spectro's sweater is completely gone, and he clutches his chest. ]

[ Waves calm. A small wave rises around the crater's edge,and throws Gravitor onto the lip of the crater. Gravitor lies on the sand, a bloody gash on his right cheek. ]

[ Wind runs toward Gravitor. The water that threw Gravitor onto the sand takes Hydron's human form on Gravitor's other side. ]

WIND (urgent):

[ Hydron kneels over Gravitor. Wind joins her. ]


Get back. I'll try CPR.

[ Seen from behind Hydron. Wind stands over her and Gravitor. Black Eagle, Spectro and Glacier approach. ]

[ Shot of the beach near the pier. Aluben runs along the beach. ]

[ At the crater, Hydron move sback from Gravitor. ]

[ Aluben runs up. ]

Is he ok?

He's breathing now.

[ Gravitor moans. ]


[ Wind kneels beside Gravitor. ]


[ Gravitor weakly lifts his hand and brings it toward his face. Wind catches his hand. ]

How are you feeling?

I can't feel my legs. My back... Ugh...

You're pretty lucky. Most men that get blown up like that lose more than just the feeling in their limbs. Some of them keep that, but lose everything else.

How are your powers?

That's not what matters now.

SPECTRO (suppressing pain):
It'd make it easier to get him out of here.

[ Pan up. two ambulances and a firetruck arrive nearby. two parametics pick up Theracy and carry her toward an ambulance; two others carry Gravitor, and Spectro follows them. ]

[ As the view goes high enough, rescue teams can be seen coming and going from the cruise ship. ]

[ The view moves away from the shore and far enough to sea that the cruise ship is out of sight. Fieron flies by. Fade to black. ]

[ INT. DOCKHOUSE - NIGHT. : The scene is lit by the fire that burns many walls, crates, etc. Ibn, masked and wielding the blue-gemmed dagger, faces a dark-skinned, gray-haired man holding an oar. ]

Fighting against us, eh, old man?

I will fight you and the Americans if I must. All I want is peace.

You have found your way to death!

[ Ibn stabs at the man's chest. The man strikes Ibn's wrist with his oar, and the dagger flies from his hand. The man raises the oar, and it catches the bottom of Ibn's mask, pulling it off. Ibn snarls and dives for the dagger. The man steps back and strikes Ibn over the head with the Oar. Ibn collapses. The man steps back and looks down, then shakes his head. Fierox runs into view, surrounded in fire. The man with the oar turns and walks away. ]

[ EXT. STONE STREET - NIGHT. : An unburned wall is visible, though smoke and fire are visible from areas near the wall, behind it, etc. ]

[ Near the ground a ball of fire bursts from the wall. Fierox emerges, leaving a fire-ringed hole in the wall. ]

[ From another angle, a man with a bucket of water runs down the street. Fierox crosses his path. The man looks toward the building. ]

[ From behind the building, the man can be seen moving to the hole. He dumps water over it, extinguishing the fire enough to reach in and pull Ibn out. The gleam of the blue gem in Ibn's dagger-handle can be seen. At the corner of the screen behind the man, a humanoid skeleton is visible, seemingly standing without support, staring at Ibn. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. CHAMBER - DIM. : The room is small, furnished with a large rug in front of a fireplace, in which a large fire burns. An end table and two chairs sit across the room. Guopin stands in the middle of the rug, with Dark Bob on the side of him closer to the chairs. ]

That fox appeared, and Kamal and Kimal both died. It goes to the borderlands, and Ibn is nearly killed in a fire, and close to water, at that. But it is because of the fox that he was saved.

[ Guopin turns toward the fire and extends a hand. A flame jumps from the fire and takes the shape of a fox before falling back into the larger blaze. ]

Where it goes, trouble follows. Ibn is one of our best warriors. We can't risk leaving the fox there. I will have it sent to the watchers in Japan, unless you object.

[ Guopin withdraws his hand and turns to face Dark Bob. ]

If you do not object... the fox will be Tartena's problem. He's dealt with something like Fieron in the rade in Moscow.

[ Dark Bob nods. Fade to black. ]

2:50PM 4/5/2010