Episode 16: "Don't Bring Rules"

. A. E. Jones

3:23 AM 5/10/2010

[ INT. STOREROOM - NIGHT. : The room is completely dark, save for a small source of light. ]

[ Zooming in on the light reveals it to be from a penlight held by a boy somewhere between the ages of eight and ten years, wearing a short-sleeved polo shirt with a fine silk jacket draped over his shoulders. His expression is grim as he slowly raises the light and gazes at what its light falls on. ]

[ As the light moves, it can be seen that the room is no less than twenty feet in each direction, with an additional corner where the boy stands. The room is mostly filled with metal-framed shelves and clothesracks, all of which are covered in something--most of it appears to be clothes, though all cannot be clearly seen in the darkness. ]

[ The boy sighs quietly and the light goes out. ]

How can they think this will work?


[ The penlight reactivates, revealing the shocked expression on the boy's--hereafter Drake-- face as he gasps. He holds out his hand and raises the light. ]

[ An awkwardly-lit image of a woman no younger than sixty can be seen amid the sea of clothesracks filling the middle of the room. ]

Are you in here? It's so dark I can't see you.

[ Drake carefully bends his elbow, bringing the light back toward him. He abruptly jerks his arm downward so that the light is pointed at the ground. ]

DRAKE (quietly, anxious):
It's a trick. A stupid trick...

[ Drake sweeps the penlight in front of him, shining it on a nearby wall of clothes. Drake turns to his left and ducks out of sight under the clothing, leaving the room in darkness. ]

[ The OlderWoman's face is still lit, though in a pale sort of way with no apparent lightsource. ]

I guess noone's gonna come see me, and I came all the way out here...

[ Close on Drake, surrounded by hanging clothes that are far larger than him. ]

DRAKE (quietly):
I know it's a trick. Just the Fire Reaper trying to trick me.

[ Drake clips the penlight to the collar of his shirt, and the light goes out. ]

The lord rebuke thee.

[ Wide shot. There is a burst of flame toward the back of the room, and a dark, palely lit figure appears, faint flames occasionally flashing behind it. ]

FIREREAPER (sarcastic mockery):
What was that? It's just so dark I can't tell if there's even anyone in here!

[ Close on Drake, who is only silhouetted against further darkness. ]

Get away.

[ Wide shot. Both the Firereaper and the Older Woman are visible, with the woman amid the clothing toward the middle of the room, and the Firereaper at the back of the room. ]

Words. Words. Words.

[ The firereaper vanishes. The image of the older woman appears to melt and disappear beneath the clothing. The room falls into darkness. ]

[ Close on Drake, who is breathing fearfully. If his position can be seen, his hands are flat and together in front of him as though to pray. ]

DRAKE (whispering):
Hiding won't help...

[ Drake removes the penlight from his shirtcollar as the light reactivates. He slips out into a narrow isle between two walls of clothing. ]

DRAKE (quietly):
Staying here won't help.

[ Drake holds up the light high enough that he can see the shape of the isle around him, then starts walking forward at a quick pace. ]

[ As Drake approaches the back of the room, the light reveals a metal door in the back wall at the end of the isle. ]

[ A man-sized burst of flame appears to the left of the path. ]

Where are you going?

[ Drake drops the penlight and the light goes out. The flames flashing around the Firereaper provide enough light to keep the two figures--the reaper and Drake--in view, along with the door. ]

[ Drake runs for the door, pushing it open, allowing light to stream into the room. The Firereaper jumps into the air, does a flip, and lands in the isle behind Drake. Drake runs out the open door, and the Firereaper floats after him. ]

Just like ... well, none of the others tried to run away.

[ EXT. SIDEYARD - DAY. : A brick-walled building stands in the background, with a small lot of grass between it and a parking lot that is void of cars, save a lavish limosene sitting to one side, sparkling in the sunlight. A large door in the side of the building swings open. ]

[ Drake leaps out of the door and stumbles onto the uneven grassy ground below. The Firereaper steps out of the door and hovers along the wall. Drake scrambles to his feet. ]

You can't touch me!

[ Drake starts running along the direction of the wall. The Firereaper flips into the air and snaps its fingers, a cloud of flame falling lazily from around it. ]

FIREREAPER (nonchalantly):
You can't get away, either.

[ Drake climbs onto a concrete slab against the side of the building. The Firereaper appears above him in a burst of flame. ]

Get away!

[ Drake dives off of the other side of the slab. The Firereaper does a backflip and disappears in a cloud of fire. ]

[ INT. FRONT HALL - DAY. : The walls are a polished white, the floor mostly of fine and well-cleaned tile, other than a large, ornate rug several feet away from the glass doors through which daylight streams. Hanging on the wall is a large, framed painting of a white-bearded man in purple, wearing a golden crown and holding a golden sceptre. Beside the painting is an ornate picture frame, holding a simplistic drawing of a Crocadile offering a pair of icecream cones to a bird and a pig. A well-dressed man and woman stand beside the rug. ]

[ Drake stumbles in front of the door and pulls it open, running into the room. The man and woman look at him with surprised expressions. ]

Drake? Why are you out of the storeroom? That demon...

[ A cloud of fire appears in the glass of the doors, then flies into the hall and gives way to the Firereaper, who stands on the tiled floor, moving its arms energetically. ]

And last but not least...

[ Drake turns toward the Firereaper, then looks upward. ]

There's someone that will make you leave.

[ Drake glares at the Firereaper. The Firereaper lowers its arms and looks at Drake with a surprised expression. ]

You don't know him. You can't...

Be gone!

[ The Firereaper throws up its arms, bursts into flames, and turns into smoke. ]

[ The man and woman look on open-mouthed. ]

[ Fade to black. ]

[ EXT. OCEAN - DAY. : From above, an island is visible, shrouded in mist. two high towers rise from the middle of the back of the island, as though from a castle. ]

[ A cloud of smoke rises around the towers. A stream of smoke rises into the sky. Zoom in on the smoke. ]

[ EXT. RIVERSIDE FACTORY - DAWN. : The side of a large factory is visible next to a murky-watered river. ]

[ The previously-seen smoke descends from above toward the river. As the smoke approaches, a whirlpool becomes visible in the river, and a blob of mud rises and collides with the smoke. The smoke-and-mud blod expands, swirls, then flies into the wall of the factory. The wall collapses inward, and smoke fills the screen. ]

[ The smoke moves violently, before a large, gelatenous, green mass can be seen behind it. ]

[ From above, the smoke can be seen slowly discipating as a green mass steps out of it and crushes the back of the factory, then continues to stomp all the way through it. The green giant has large arms and legs, though there is only a hill of green jello where a head and neck would be. The body jiggles as it moves, stomping forward and off screen. ]

[ EXT. SIDEYARD - DAY. : Black Eagle and Gravitor stand near the now shut door in the wall. Hydron and Glacier are walking off to the left. ]

Maybe it's just me, but it seems a little weird to call in super-powered body guards _after_ the disappearances have stopped and there's only one of seven kids left.

It wasn't until there was only one left that the ISDA decided it was our territory. That, and the parents were pretty secretive about the fact that their kids were dropping like flies.

How suspicious can you get?

Apparently not enough, since we were sent out here.

So they claim it was some demon with power over fire, and they send in four of us just in case? Oh, and said demon has apparently been defeated somehow before we find out.

I don't pretend to know what's going on. All I know is that we're here because the ISDA thought we might be more helpful than a team with more trained security specialists.

We've got you.

[ EXT. POOLSIDE - DAY. : Hydron, Glacier and Drake stand beside a large, private swimmingpool that is surrounded by a large concrete paddio. ]

They were in there.

[ Drake points at the water near to a silver-sided ladder. ]

DRAKE (cont'd):
And Paul was with Dad at the back door to the storeroom.

Did you see what happened?

Not with the girls. I was watching Paul. Right after the girls disappeared, my mom went to tell my dad. He told Paul to come with him and they went inside. I tried to follow them, and I was close enough to see that demon appear.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. HALLWAY - DIM. : The previously-seen man stands beside a boy of about nine or ten. The Firereaper dances in the air in front of them, blocking a closed door. ]

DRAKE (voice-over, cont'd):
It said...

Nuh-uh, you can't leave without saying goodbye!

[ The firereaper snaps its fingers, and a small puff of fire falls from them before fading. The man extends a hand toward the boy, but a wall of fire appears around the boy. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]


And he was gone. My parents thought they could keep us safe in the storeroom... but the reaper went wherever he wanted.

[ Hydron steps closer to Drake and puts a hand on his shoulder. ]

Are you sure it's gone, now?

I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

[ EXT. ABOVE BEACH - DAY. : A schoolbus sits on a road running close to the beach. several children and a few adults (reference episode 14) walk around on the sand, a few children approaching the water. ]

[ EXT. BEACH - DAY. : Kairin, Kejek and Elanmak walk along the beach within ten feet of the waves. Ahead of them, a few other children are hurrying out of sight. One of them drops a crumpled-up flier before exiting. ]

That chameleon guy would be a lot more powerful out here in this sun!

Jees, would you shut up about your "adventure"?

Yeah, if you don't want anyone to hear about it, it'd help if you'd talk about it less.

Well, he would. Hey, wait, so am I!

How much longer til lunch?

[ Kairin stops walking and looks at his hands, which are turned skyward. They start to darken in color. ]


[ There is a flash of light as Kairin's hands return to normal. Kejek and Elanmak stop and look back. ]

Did you see something?

What did you do?

[ Kairin sighs and holds up his hands again. They darken in color. ]

You make your hands look diseased?

[ Kairin raises his hands over his head, and there is a flash of light as they return to normal. Kejek shrugs. ]

Not bad.

[ Kairin lowers his hands. ]

Do you think you could use that to set something on fire?

Probably. I don't know.

[ Elanmak points to the ocean. ]

You think you can hit something from out there?

[ Kairin raises his hands to his shoulders, palms up. ]

I don't know.

[ Elanmak looks around, then heads for the dropped flier, picking it up and smoothing it out. ]

Yeah, if you go out of bounds, I had nothing to do with it.

Hey, I'll buy you lunch if you can set this poster on fire from out in the water.

How far?

I don't know, chest deep?

It won't hurt to try, I guess.

I'm going to tell the lifeguard.

Give it a minute.

[ Kairin turns and walks toward the water, slowly speeding up until he's running into the waves. He loses his footing momentarily, but quickly catches himself and stops with the waves cresting at his chest level. Kairin turns to face shore; Kejek and Elanmak look on. Kejek glances both directions along the beach before looking back toward Kairin. ]

Pfft. Fine, go for it.


Yeah, whatever!

[ Elanmak holds up the flier. ]

[ Kairin's skin gradually darkens and he holds out his arms, palms up to the sun. After several seconds, he turns his hands toward shore. A large flash of light fills the screen. ]

[ As the flash fades, Kairin flies backward. The water around him rises in a silverish arc around him, and he flies back at a great speed. The silverish water forms into the shape of a tube that collapses and fades. ]

[ Kejek and Elanmak look on disbelievingly. ]

No freaking way...

How does light knock you backward?

No... remember why they brought us out here in the first place.

Hmmph. So we found the North American gateway.

No, you tricked Kairin into flying into it.

[ EXT. WATERTUNNEL - DAY. : Kairin flies uncontrolledly through a silverish tube of water. The tunnel isn't quite closed at the top, permitting the light of the sky to enter, but as Kairin is tossed violently around the tunnel, he never comes close to breaking through the narrow opening. ]

[ Kairin yells as he attempts to twist his body and control his motion, but to little avail. ]

[ Kairin's yelling is suddenly met with a strong, short-delay echo as the water closes around him. He collides with a wall of water. ]

[ EXT. NORTHISLAND SHORE - DAY. : a somewhat musculer man of around thirty stands on the beach, wearing a pale blue tanktop and long gray pants. His features hint at both Asian and caucasion heritage. ]

[ A wave rises several meters from shore, then curves backward. A silverish arch bulges at its center before it drops into the ocean. ]

[ A cloud of sand and shells rises closer to shore. The man on shore (hereafter Vekin) looks toward the disturbance with mild interest. ]

[ Kairin crawls along the ground until he reaches shallow enough water to raise his head from it. He gets up onto his knees, panting. ]

KAIRIN (out of breath):
What the heck just happened?

You crawled out of the sea onto the northern Twin Island.


[ Kairin Gets to his feet, brushing sand from his clothing. ]

KAIRIN (cont'd):
I'm not anywhere near where I need to be, am I?

Only if where you're supposed to be is off the east coast of Japan.

[ EXT. CITY - DAWN. : The architecture is modern Japanese, with numerous people walking about. ]

[ There is a loud "BOOM" in the distance. The green giant appears in the distance, quickly stomping toward the scene. Some people in the streets stop to look toward the giant, while others scream and begin to run the opposite direction. ]

[ The giant continues stomping forward, crushing buildings and cars as it reaches them, scattering debris and people in the process. ]

[ EXT. OBSERVATIONBOAT - DAY. : The boat isn't very large, though it easily accommodates five people on its visible portion. The boat's body is a mix of wood and metal, and it is equipped with a radio antenna near its center. Two of the men on deck wear matching white chest armor and gloves (if their feet are visible, their boots are similar, though visibly large and heavy-looking.). One of the armor-clad men, Tartena, is noseless, his entire head colored a bright yellow, though the top of it is hidden beneath a finned hat (reference costumes used in Beijing Opera). The head of the other man, Vento, is purple, with a bird-like nose and a bumpy surface covering his hairless scalp. ]

REPORTER (over radio):
Midori Gaijuu to iu monsutaa wo mimasu. Sono monsutaa wa nana-ji de Tokyo e kuru koto ga dekimasu.

Oooh, giant green monster heading toward Tokyo. Like I haven't heard that one before.

Perhaps it is related to the streak in the sky reported around sunrise.

Well, I guess they were right.

[ Tartena turns around and kicks a crate sitting on the floor. Fierox quickly crawls from behind it and crouches, staring toward Tartena and Vento menacingly. ]

TARTENA (cont'd):
This fox does bring strange things with it.

While not impossible, I doubt that the fox's presence caused this monster citing.

Well, just to be safe, let's have the fox take a look.

[ Tartena looks at one of the others on the boat. ]

You! Get me a bracelet-cam.

[ The man quickly nods and steps into an off-screen part of the boat. ]

Yes, Tartena.

If it really is bad luck, let's send it into the storm. And if not, well, we get to watch without abandoning our post.

[ The man steps back on screen, holding a small camera attached to a band of fabric. He holds it toward Tartena. ]

Put it on the Fox's neck.

[ The man shakes momentarily. ]

TARTENA (angrily):
What are you waiting for?

[ The man crouches and reaches toward Fierox. Fierox growls, and sparks crackle over the fox's back. The man pulls back slightly, then reaches toward Fierox again. Sparks jump off of Fierox's back and strike the man in the arm, and he yells and jumps back. ]

Can't you do anything right?

[ Vento steps forward and takes the camera and band from the man's hand. He kneels beside Fierox, and a thin golden aura glows around the fox. Vento places his free hand over Fierox's back, and sparks crackle around his glove. ]

Calm yourself, Fierox. You'll be on land again soon enough.

[ Vento brings the camera near to Fierox's neck, then grabs the band and loops it around Fierox's neck. Fierox jerks, but Vento pulls his hands away, leaving the band around Fierox's neck. Fierox growls softly. ]

And now, we find a way to get it to look for this "monster".

[ Vento steps to the front of the boat. ]


[ Vento points out of the boat. ]

[ Fierox slowly steps toward Vento. Vento brings a hand to his chest, moving it as though rubbing an invisible ball. Sparks crackle around the glove. ]


[ Vento turns to face the water and thrusts out his hand. A burst of sparks pops in front of his glove, sending a large flickering blob of sparks at the water. ]

[ The blast strikes the water, and there is a small splash around it before it vanishes in a shower of sparks. A small fish jumps up from the water. ]

[ Fierox stands at full height, a small aura of fire appearing around the fox. Fierox leaps toward the edge of the boat, aura growing more intense. Fierox flies overboard and over the water. ]

And will it go ashore?


[ As Fierox approaches the water, an explosion of sparks expands around the fox for several feet. Fierox gives an audible Cry, then flies away from the boat, surrounded in gold and white sparks and light. ]

[ INT. AUDITORIUM - DAY. : Wind, Spectro (both in T-shirts and jeans) and Aluben walk down a narrow, carpeted walkway between two blocks of seats. ]

It'd be nice if you could count this as early graduation.

It would. Although if everything goes well today, I've only got to deal with one final and a presentation before I'm done. Then you guys can drag me around wherever without scheduling conflicts.

Yeah, I hear that. I've been trying to intourn at a school in Boulder, but we go off on so many missions that I can't get enough schedule security. I guess there were only two last fall; maybe I'll have time then.

[ They stop at a free row of seats. Wind and Aluben turn to walk into the row and sit down in two of the seats. ]

Good luck!


[ Spectro keeps walking, turning to the left upon reaching the walkway between the seats and the stage. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. SEASIDE CLEARING - DAY. : The land is mostly grassy, with many trees in the background and a short drop to the ocean in the foreground. Two black haired, preteen-looking boys, identical save for a diagonal scar over the eye of one, stand a few feet from the trees, a teenaged girl with shoulder-length black hair in a battle crouch in front of them. ]

Ja, hajimaru yo!

[ The two boys take a similar stance. ]

[ A streak of gold flies over the water and across the land, missing the three in the clearing by a few feet. All three turn to watch as the streak of light disappears over the trees. ]

Sore wa nan da ka?

[ EXT. PIGFARM - DAY. : Three pigs approach a large, slop-filled trough, with the gray wall of a wooden building behind them. ]

[ In a flash of gold, Fierox lands on the opposite side of the trough. One of the pigs backs away. Fierox crouches behind the trough, peering at the pigs. ]

[ One of the pigs steps back from the trough and looks at Fierox, then begins squealing. After a moment, all three pigs begin squealing and running toward the wall. ]

[ A thunderous "BOOM" causes the wall to shake. Fierox jumps back and looks toward the wall. There is another, louder "BOOM", and the pigs run off screen. Fierox growls, body straightening, a golden aura appearing from nose to tail. A third "BOOM" is joined by a large "CRUNCH" as the wall begins to fall forward. Another booming crash joins the appearance of a massive, toeless green foot splitting the wall in half as it steps through it. ]

VENTO (quiet, over speaker, muffled):

[ Fierox backs up several steps. ]

[ From above, the green giant can be seen stepping through the remains of a building. Fierox backs away from the giant. The sound of a helicopter as well as a jet can be heard, getting louder rapidly. ]

[ In the air, two jets flank one helicopter. The jets fly ahead, approaching one another as they advance. ]

[ The jets circle the giant. Once the jets are on opposite sides of the giant, they begin firing artillery shells at it. There are small splatters of the substance of the giant where the bullets strike, but it mostly just jiggles. The giant raises a massive arm and swings at one of the jets. The jet narrowly dodges the attack and flies over the giant's head, shooting at it more intensely. The giant raises its arm again, and a large ball of smoke flies from it, striking one of the jets. The smoke surrounds the jet and it spirals out of control. ]

[ The smoke-bathed jet flies off into a house-dotted field and crashes into the ground, exploding in a ball of black smoke and flame. ]

[ On the ground, Fierox continues to back up, more rapidly. Fierox's golden aura grows more intense. Fierox stops retreating, then leaps into the air with a trail of flames following. ]

[ Fierox's aura becomes more fiery as the fox flies toward the center of the giant's torso. As Fierox draws close, a wave of fire flies from the fox and strikes the giant's body, with no effect. Fierox collides with the giant, striking it with front paws. Fierox sticks to the giant, kicking at it with hind legs. Fierox manages to run sideways up the giant's body. ]

[ The other jet circles around the giant. The giant swings a massive "fist" that is easily larger than the jet, striking the aircraft and sending it to fall off screen. ]

[ Fierox jumps onto the giant's shoulder and begins trying to dig into it, with no apparent results. One of the giant's arms bends and moves toward Fierox. Fierox jumps into the air, landing atop the jello-hill where the giant's head should be. The massive "fist" moves toward Fierox. As the "fist" is close, Fierox jumps down to the opposite shoulder, causing the giant's "fist" to hit its "head", splashing green jello from the point of impact. Fierox's fiery aura intensifies as the fox slashes at the giant's shoulder, sending out small waves of fire from each attack. The giant brings its arm down in front of it, aiming its "fist" at Fierox. Fierox jumps onto the "head" again, in time to dodge a ball of smoke that flies from the giant's "fist". ]

[ EXT. APARTMENT STREET - DAY. : The giant stomps along the street, crushing buildings as it goes. The helicopter follows it at a distance, and Fierox, now auraless, is perched on its head. ]

[ Close on Fierox. An aura of fire ignites around the fox, growing intense before Fierox slashes at the jello-hill. The giant's "fist" rises in front of it, and Fierox jumps into the air. ]

[ INT. HELICOPTER - DAY. : A reporter looks on, a microphone clipped to his shirt. ]

Ima, kitsune wa monsutaa wo tatakaimashite.

[ INT. AUDITORIUM - DAY. : A man in professional dress and large glasses stands at a podium on the stage. Spectro stands beside him. ]

PROFESSOR (cont'd):
... will demonstrate a method of analogue image-radio conversion.

[ The man steps back and off to the left as a small round of applause rises from the audience. ]

Good afternoon, everyone. I'm sure that most of you are acquainted with digital transmission of images?

[ An amused murmer of agreement comes from the audience. ]

SPECTRO (cont'd):
That's basically what you get with a digital camera, or image files on a computer. The other option is old-fashioned film and magnetic tape. These analogue methods are prone to damage; a lot of old TV shows have grain visible on the film.

[ Spectro raises a hand toward a projector screen behind him, and an image of Xai fleeing from several muscular men with large orange "9"s on their shirts appears. There are several marks of grain visible on the image, with a twisted hair across one of the "9"s. ]

Here's an example from an old cartoon. You'll have to take my word for it that I didn't add any of that film damage.

[ There are a few audible chuckles from the audience. ]

Digital imaging is better in that area, but has some shortcomings its own.

[ In the audience, Wind and Aluben watch. ]

What do you think Shanan and Charles are doing now?

Unless they ran into a fire-demon, probably just hanging around enjoying the Hawaii weather.

[ On stage, the projector image has switched to a blocky photograph of two college students walking along a sidewalk. ]

Until prices go down, it's a little tough to avoid some blockiness at lower resolutions. Digital cameras also tend to miss things.

[ The projector image changes to show a pixelated picture of a hill crowned by trees, alongside a grainy-but-not-blocky image of the same scene. The colors are brighter in the pixelated image, though the silhouettes of parked vehicles can be seen in the distance of the grainy image. ]

Examples like this illustrate a slight advantage of older techniques if you want to pick up things at a distance. You'd want to do that if you're taking pictures for crime scene investigation or for studying objects in the sky. But NASA takes things a little further.

[ The projector image changes to an image from an X-ray telescope. ]

SPECTRO (cont'd):
We're already taking pictures at different wavelengths with radio telescopes, and now we've got an X-ray observatory out there as well.

[ Spectro holds up a digital camera. ]

But why don't we combine these methods a bit?

[ Spectro aims the camera at the audience and presses a button. An image of the audience (focused on Wind and Aluben) appears on the projector screen, with a blackened obstruction in one corner. ]

This image was just converted to radio waves and sent to a receiver behind me. You can tell it was sent as a picture and not as code for a picture because there's a shadow from my shoulder in the image. But just to convince you this isn't a watermark...

[ Spectro points to the left, and a wide-screen television comes to life on the edge of the stage. ]

Let's pick something useful. Try a news channel?

[ The television shows the green giant stomping through a city, as Fierox jumps around it, dodging its punches and making futile attacks. The audience murmers curiously. ]

[ Wind and Aluben look surprised. ]

Is that Fierox?

I... think so.

[ On stage, Spectro regards the image uneasily. ]

... Well... this works. So... let's... see what I can do.

[ Spectro holds a hand toward the ceiling, and a faint green glow briefly appears around it. Then he lowers his hand and turns to walk toward the television, holding the camera. ]

[ EXT. SIDEYARD - DAY. : Black Eagle and Glacier still stand by the door. ]

[ Hydron approaches them from the left. ]

Where's Glacier?

With Drake.

What do you think about the kid's story?

He resents how his parents handled it. I get the feeling he believes the story about the Firereaper.

[ Black Eagle sighs unpleasantly. ]

Do you want me to--

SPECTRO (over radio):
Hey, there's something going on you might want to know about.

What is it now? Another demon? Godzilla?

SPECTRO (over radio):
Well... something like that. A giant green monster is stomping its way toward Tokyo. It should be there in a few hours.

This is no time for jokes, Spectro.

SPECTRO (over radio):
I wish I was joking. You remember Fieron's fox?

What about it?

SPECTRO (over radio):
It's involved, now. It's trying to fight the giant, but not doing so well. Military's not doing too hot, either.


Right. We get sent out here to provide security against some kind of demon, and a giant monster attacks Japan. And Fierox is there.

[ Gravitor rolls his eyes. ]

That is an awefully big coincidence. Too big.

[ Black Eagle sighs again. ]

Do you want us to do something about it?

It's against my better judgment, but these two happening at once? And we're just close enough to catch it if you go.

I was hoping you'd say that.

Not alone.

[ Black Eagle looks at Hydron. ]

BLACK EAGLE (cont'd):
Hydron, we had you here because the demon supposedly used fire. Do you think it'll be coming back any time soon?


Then you go with Gravitor. Report back. And don't annoy the Japanese military.

All right.

[ Gravitor pushes off of the wall, rising into the air. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
Up, up and--

Now, Lemburen!


[ Gravitor rises off screen and out of sight. Hydron becomes water that flies after Gravitor. ]

BLACK EAGLE (muttering):
What did I just get us into?


[ Gravitor, surrounded in a small cloud, flies through the sky. ]

That's the problem with a giant stretch of water. Nothing to fall toward in the direction you want to go.

[ Below, an island comes into sight, with a tall patch of trees in its middle. ]

That'll have to do.

[ Gravitor accelerates toward the treetops. As he comes closer, he pitches back and stops moving downward, accelerating horizontally. ]

[ EXT. TOKYO TOWERPASS - DAY. : Three tanks span the road, two helicopters circling overhead. ]

[ The green giant appears in the distance, a tower falling out of its path as it stomps forward. Missiles fly from the helicopters toward the giant. A ball of smoke flies from its fist, striking one of the missiles and sending it out of control. Another ball of smoke flies from the giant's "fist", striking one of the helicopters and sending it to crash into another tower in a ball of fire. ]

[ Close on the giant's upper body. Fierox jumps off of the giant's shoulder and lands on a nearby balcony. Fierox growls, and a wave of fire flows from the fox's head and strikes the giant in the shoulder. The giant raises a "fist" and punches the building below Fierox. The building sways, then falls. Fierox jumps from the balcony and lands on the giant's arm. Fierox bits at the giant. Fierox's aura fades, and the fox gives a whine. ]

[ EXT. OCEAN - NEAR HARBOR - DAY. : A tall cargo ship sits in the water. ]

[ Gravitor falls toward the top of the ship. The cloud becomes rain that falls onto the top of the ship. ]

[ The water becomes Hydron, who looks around. ]

We're already there.

GRAVITOR (calling back):
I'm not waiting for you!

[ Hydron jumps into the air, becoming water. ]

[ EXT. TOKYO - HARBORROAD - DAY. : Several policemen block the road. ]

[ Gravitor descends slowly, landing on the road as the policemen turn to look at him. Water-Hydron flows to the ground and returns to human form beside Gravitor. ]


[ Hydron holds up her hands. ]

We've come to help with the monster.

Two people? Think you come from comic?

Nice stereotype.

It is not good to sneak into Tokyo. You will displease people, I think.

We're good at that. But hey, the public doesn't need to know.

[ There is a distant crash and "BOOM". ]

A monster comes.

Guess we'd better get to work.

You rest; I'll look at it.

If by "rest", you mean "breathe and jump in after a few seconds"...

[ Hydron runs along the street. ]


[ Hydron becomes water and flows past the policemen, who look on open-mouthed. ]

[ EXT. TOKYO - SKYLINE. : The giant keeps stomping forward, pushing buildings out of its path as people scatter in a panic below. ]

[ On the giant's arm, Fierox collapses, whining softly. ]

[ Water-Hydron flows up the side of a building and takes human form on a windowseal. The giant's "fist" flies at the building, striking it and causing the building to sway as glass shatters and falls. Fierox flies off of the giant's arm and falls off screen. ]

[ From a distance, the building sways violently. ]

[ Hydron becomes water and flows onto the giant's arm. As she continues to flow up its arm, the water slows, and begins to shrink as though being absorbed. The water jerks as though with a struggle, finally pulling up into a large mass and flying off of the giant's body. ]

[ The water lands on a narrow ledge on another building, returning to Human-Hydron. ]

HYDRON (shouting):

[ The giant punches the building, and it starts to fall over. ]

[ Below, Gravitor looks up toward the building, fists clenched. The building's swaying stabalizes, though it wobbles awkwardly. ]

[ Water-Hydron flows down from the building and near Gravitor before returning to human form. The policemen approach from behind. ]

Water affects it, but I'm not enough. And I can't move very far when I touch it.

Yeah... what... is this thing?

Is there a plan?

I can only think to try getting it wet.

I will send firetrucks!

In the mean time...

[ Gravitor looks to the left and gestures. ]

[ Debris lifts from the ground and falls upward toward the giant. The projectiles collide with the giant, but bounce before simply sitting there. ]

[ The giant's shadow appears over the group on the ground. A large ball of smoke descends toward the street. Hydron becomes water that flows into the policemen. Gravitor jumps out of the way, and the whole group falls out of the way as the ball strikes the street, leaving a cloud of smoke hovering over the ground. ]

Woah. That was close.

[ Hydron takes human form near Gravitor. ]

Can you knock it down?

What, do you want me to drop a tower on it?

Can't you offset its balance?

I can try, but then it'll just do more damage.

We need to clear the area around it, then. It'll at least buy time.

Security only is nearby.

This won't be pretty either way. It'd be better to just drop a train on it.

The ISDA wouldn't like it if we have to pay for a wrecked train.

I know.

[ Gravitor jumps up and flies straight for the giant's center. ]

Wait... this isn't working ri--

[ Gravitor collides with a wall of jello, then bounces back, flailing as he falls. He gains control of his motion as the giant's fist moves toward him. Gravitor falls rapidly, going below the fist. ]

[ Water-Hydron flies up at the giant, striking it in the chest and slowly forcing her way into it. ]

[ The screech of sirens fill the air as three firetrucks approach from a side-road. Water-cannons rise from each and begin spraying the giant ]

[ The giant slows and stops moving momentarily. Its chest darkens, as a reddish aura appears around it. It slowly raises a fist, and a ball of smoke flies from it. ]

[ The ball of smoke descends toward one of the firetrucks. The smoke strikes the firetruck and the water stops. The smoke surrounds the firetruck. ]

[ The giant lifts its foot and begins walking forward again. It swings its arm and throws another ball of smoke. ]

[ Gravitor lies on his back in the road. He pushes himself up on his elbows. ]

Don't forget the insects, ugly!

[ Gravitor rises from the ground. ]

[ The camera follows Gravitor as he flies up toward the giant. A ball of smoke flies toward Gravitor, and he swerves toward a tower to dodge. Gravitor spins in mid air and starts falling away from the giant. He looks toward the giant, waving his hand. ]

Come on. You aren't that slow.

[ The giant stumbles forward heavily. ]

[ The policemen look on uneasily. ]

What is he doing? No! Don't take it to the sea!


[ Gravitor hovers over the harbor as the giant approaches. Another ball of smoke flies toward Gravitor, but he tilts to the side and slides out of the way. ]

Hey, you missed! But if you really want to catch me...

[ Gravitor holds out his fists. ]

[ Side view. The giant stumbles and begins to fall toward Gravitor. Before it reaches the sea, Gravitor's face grows pale, and his hands fall to his side. ]

GRAVITOR (fearful):
What... the... Oh... no...

[ The giant lands on the edge of the land, then falls forward, striking the water. A huge wall of water rises at the giant's fall, and races along the coast, growing as it goes, leaving a trail of smoke in the water. ]

[ On shore, the policeman watches, horrified. Gravitor falls toward the back of the wave, pushing off of it and falling toward one of the firetrucks. Before he reaches it, Gravitor falls face-down to the pavement and lies sprawled on the ground, motionless. ]

[ A stray jet of water crawls up from the wave, and Hydron forms near Gravitor, but collapses, surrounded in a puddle of water distinct from that of the sea. ]

[ EXT. SEASIDE CLEARING - DAY. : The twins and the girl from before stand near the edge of the land. ]

Atashi wo mite yo!

[ The girl steps forward and jumps into the air, flying over the water. ]

Tahea... spirit...

[ A large wave appears, running along the coast toward the girl. ]

LIQUARO / RANI (shouting):


[ A sphere of white light grows around the girl as the wave strikes her. Water flies over the clearing in a massive wall. ]

[ The boy with the scar, hereafter Liquaro, jumps into the air and flies toward where the girl disappeared. ]


[ The other boy, hereafter Rani, jumps into the air and flies into the closest tree. He holds out his hands defensively. ]

RANI (Japanese):
Sarai! Liquaro! Kite!

[ Liquaro flies over the wave, looking down into it. ]

Sarai! Doko iru no!

[ The wave rises and strikes Liquaro, who pitches forward, sliding along it. A wall of smoke is visible off the back of the wave. Liquaro looks toward it. ]


[ The wave drops, and Liquaro drops closer to the smoke. A second wave rises quickly and strikes Liquaro, and he falls below the waves and disappears from sight. ]

[ At the edge of the trees, a massive wall of water bears down over them. A white glow appears beneath the wave, and a lot of water bursts outward. The wave falls into the trees, leaving the ground covered in water. Rani falls backward out of his tree, landing on the water-covered ground. He scrambles to his feet and runs out of the trees. Fierox crawls out from behind a tree, then collapses in the shallows. ]

Liquaro! Sarai!

[ Wide shot. ]

RANI (shouting, echoing):

[ INT. ISDA CONFERENCEROOM - NIGHT. : The ISDAChairman, BB15 and Theracy are in their customary positions. Theracy's head is down, supported by her hands. ]

Alert us when you are able to view the situation.

I... can't...

[ Theracy falls forward and lands facedown on the floor. BB15 walks over and kneels beside her. ]

Hey, you ok?

[ BB18 enters. ]

Sir, two people resembling Gravitor and Hydron have been spotted in the city.

Get me a connection to the Prime Minister of Japan. Now.

[ BB18 salutes and exits. ]

What is yellow's condition?

Her breathing is getting faint.

THERACY (quietly, muttering):
Heat... smoke...

[ The ISDAChairman fingers the side of his chair. ]

Send the Information Resource Officer to the main conferenceroom, immediately.

[ EXT. SOUTH ISLAND BEACH - DAY. : Kairin stands alone on the beach. In the distance, a mass of smoke is visible, moving through the water. ]

Hmm. Weird.

[ Kairin steps into the shallows and touches the water. He looks at his wet palm, brow furrowing in concentration. A grayish shadow flickers over Kairin's hand. ]

The water didn't interfere with my powers before.

[ Kairin closes his fist, then turns his hand over and opens it toward the water. A faint glow briefly appears between his hand and the water, but quickly vanishes. ]

That's not good.

[ Kairin looks out over the water. A small, dark shape appears in the distance, bobbing in the waves. ]

What's that?

[ Kairin steps out through the water until it is up to waist deep. ]

[ The shape in the water can be seen to be humanoid, though it doesn't show any signs of life. ]

That's a person!

[ Kairin runs further into the water. When it is too deep for him to keep running, he pitches forward and starts swimming toward the body in the water. As Kairin approaches the body, it can be seen to be only just smaller than him. Kairin reaches out and touches the body. ]

[ As Kairin pulls the body up, it can be seen to be Liquaro. There is a sickening gurgling from Liquaro as Kairin holds his head out of the water. ]

[ Kairin's uneasy face becomes even more uncertain, then he closes his eyes and tries to kick himself and the boy around to face the shore. The turn is sorely lacking in accuracy, but it gets them moving, and there is a faint glimmer of a part in the smoke in the water as Kairin kicks fiercely toward the beach. As soon as his feet reach land under the water, he stands upright and tries to run through the water, stopping at chest height to turn the boy so as to prompt another noise as a stream of water poors from his mouth. Kairin breathes heavily, then takes off at a run through the waves until reaching the dry sand, then crouches, having a much harder time supporting the boy now that they're out of the water. Kairin catches his breath, then deliberately lets the unconscious boy fall forward as more water poors out and the noise of his breathing starts to clear up, hailed by fierce coughing. Kairin regards the boy uneasily, still panting from a commbination of exertion and anxiety, though he calms slightly when the coughing pushes away strangled gurgling, and eventually gasps infiltrate the sea of coughing. Kairin is careful not to let the ocean flowing from the boy's mouth touch his hands, which proves worthwhile when his breathing is interrupted by new murk in the stream. A little cough later, his eyes struggle to open, but are pressed shut under saltwater and tears as the boy starts gasping and coughing more consciously, moving his hands, then collapsing onto the sand, Kairin reaching out to keep his face from falling into the mud. ]

Are you ok?

[ Liquaro pushes his hands into the sand in a vain attempt to support himself. ]

LIQUARO (struggling, coughing):
K... doko...

[ Kairin sits back slightly, wiping sand from his knees. ]

Do you speak English?

[ Liquaro gets to his elbows. ]

LIQUARO (catching breath):
Eigo... d... (beat). Where?

Twin Islands?


This isn't going so well.

Sarai... Rani...

[ Liquaro starts coughing again. ]



Yeah... you were kind of just in it...

... Etto...

[ Kairin's expression brightens as though with an idea, and he moves as though to get up. ]

Will you be ok for a few minutes?

I will... but...


My teacher was lost in the wave...

Hmm... I think I can get someone that can help.

[ Liquaro falls on his side in the sand so that he faces the ocean with a grave expression. Kairin cautiously gets up, sees that Liquaro isn't going anywhere, then takes off up the beach. ]

[ EXT. SOUTH ISLAND - NORTHSIDE. : A few brightly-colored houses sit on plots of sparse grass, with a slope leading to a rocky shoreline in the background. ]

[ Kairin runs from the foreground toward the rocks in the background. He holds up a hand, but nothing happens. ]

Not a good time for my powers to mess up.

[ Kairin stops, holds up both arms, and breathes deeply as his skin slowly darkens. ]


[ Kairin raises his arms high over his head, and there is a bright flash of light. Kairin lowers his arms and stares out at the sea for several seconds, then turns and runs back toward the foreground. ]

[ EXT. SOUTH ISLAND - BAY. : Houses can be seen in the background. There is a section of water in the foreground, and the land forms a rectangular corner to the left, resembling an upside down "L". A small boat is tied to a post in the ground on the edge of the land. ]

[ Kairin runs toward the boat post and puts his hand on the rope. ]

[ A shadow flies over head, and Vekin descends from above to land on the opposite side of the boatpost. ]


You might say that.

Go on...

There was this kid... in the ocean... I don't think English is his native language, and I think his teacher might be in trouble...

Show me.

[ Kairin turns and runs in the opposite direction. Vekin takes long strides after him. ]

[ EXT. SOUTH ISLAND BEACH - DAY. : Liquaro lies on his side, staring at the water.* ]

LIQUARO (hoarsely):
Jikan ja nai...

[ Kairin runs into view and stops near Liquaro. Vekin walks up and stops beside them both. ]

Konnichi wa.

[ Liquaro gets to one knee, then a foot, then turns to face Kairin and Vekin. ]

Konnichi wa.

Daijoubu ne?

Daijoubu desu.

Nanikoto ga aru ka?

[ Kairin looks from Vekin to Liquaro and shrugs. ]

Sarai-sensei wa tsunami no soubo ni itta tari...


Hai! Boku wa sagashite ga...

Eigo ga hanaseka?


How long ago?

I don't know. I couldn't know in the water.

If she isn't safe now, it's probably too late. That was no normal wave.

What happened?

I'm guessing something big fell into the water nearby. Not something natural. It's done something strange to the water.

The water seemed like it messed with my powers.

Yes. (to Liquaro) Tahea no?

Sou mitai desu.

The water interfered with you, too, didn't it?

Could have.

The mainland is opposite this beach. If you need help getting back...

I can make it. But...

Then let's go.

Umm... huh?

[ EXT. OBSERVATIONBOAT - DAY. : The waves are violent, and the boat rocks. One of the men from before is missing. ]

Vento, is the sonar still on the fritz?

No. No sign of man overboard.

Serves him right for standing there watching a tsunami. The radio works, I presume?

Of course, Tartena. The Tokyo fire department reports that the giant has fallen into the sea. I suspect that's what caused the wave that interfered with our equipment.

Still no signal from the camera on the fox?


[ Tartena sighs and steps toward the front of the boat. He picks up a pair of binoculars from an open box and holds them to his eyes. ]

Hmm. Vento, take a look a few degrees up the coast.

[ Vento looks out to sea. ]

[ EXT. OVER OCEAN - DAY. : Liquaro flies through the air, with Vekin behind him. Vekin is carrying Kairin on his back. ]

VENTO (voice-over):
Two humans, one significantly smaller than the other. They're flying west by northwest at a minimum speed of nine kilometers per hour. The big one seems to be carrying something... another child by the looks of it. We should have no trouble tracking their point of origin, and their destination is clearly the mainland, probably the sparcely populated areas we use for cover.



I didn't ask for a press conference. Still, nice work; I think this might be the mission we've been waiting for. Our equipment might have been wired against examination, but I'm sure a couple flying people from the wild could get a reward out of Dark Bob. And might just make up for losing the fox.

You have a plan, then?

I'll trail them. You trace their starting point and see if you can find anything interesting. I'll radio if I need help, but I'm sure you know my predictions on that front.

Of course.

[ Vento turns and walks toward the back of the boat. ]

VENTO (to himself):
Foolish worm. You abandonned the skills of your ancestors, but expect easy victories in battle. Jienki knew better, and still fell.

[ fade out. ]

[ EXT. SEASIDE CLEARING - DAY. : There is less water covering the ground than before, though it is still wet, with shallow pools and puddles here and there. Rani stands in the clearing, with Fierox watching from in front of the nearest tree. ]

Shikata ga nai ja nai'n daro...

LIQUARO (distant, calling):

[ Rani looks up. ]

Liquaro? Sarai?

[ Wide shot from the side. Liquaro flies over the water toward shore, with Vekin carrying Kairin behind him. ]

[ Close on Kairin and Vekin. ]

So what's happened?

Something evil fell into the ocean. I was looking for that gateway that brought you to the twin islands; I was starting to get a lock on it when that smoke came through. I think it's been cealed on this side.

... Oh, great... but...

[ Mid shot, with the ocean off screen. Liquaro lands and runs toward Rani. Vekin lands, and Kairin jumps to the ground. ]

Liquaro! Daijoubu no?

Speaking of twins...

Liquaro's the one with the scar.

Have you seen Sarai-sensei?

... No. You didn't find her?

These found me.

Vekin. I've met Sarai a couple of times. I take it she was teaching you to use ki tahea-style?

Like that. But we were born as though we had the treatment; she taught us to perfect our skills.

What's Tahea?

An acupuncture technique designed to heighten one's abilities to master ki. Sarai is only about sixteen years old, but she had amazing powers thanks to tahea.


Don't think about it. Few know how to perform the procedure, and even then... it is better to gain power through cultivation rather than cheap cheats.

Tahea is useless unless it's cultivated... but shouldn't we be looking for Sarai-sensei?

Yeah... Sorry.

Had she gone missing for any other reason, finding her would be easier. That ki-smoke, though... it makes the water poisonous.


Something giant fell into the water and filled it with a strange smoke... It makes it hard to do some things.

If she was flying over the water when the wave hit, she probably wasn't able to stay up. There's no telling where she might have wound up, but things look bleak. If we're going to find her... we need to split up.

[ EXT. OVER COAST - DAY. : Vekin, Liquaro and Rani fly in the air, and separate, going different directions, with Vekin going farthest from shore. Kairin runs along the edge of the land, with Fierox following him. ]

[ EXT. SEASIDE RIDGE - DAY. : There is little space between the top of the ridge and a line of trees atop it. The ridge is only a few feet above the water. ]

[ Tartena stands between two trees, looking down at the water. Rani flies over the water below. ]

Looking for someone?

[ Rani looks upward, and flies up to the top of the ridge. ]

Yes. Have you seen her?

Hmm, haven't seen any females for far too long. But I do have a boat. I could help you in your search if you come with me.

[ Rani looks around. ]

Where is your boat?

[ Tartena points out to see and to his right. ]

Out there.

I'll tell my brother.

Brother? Can he fly, too?


[ Rani turns and flies back the way he came. Tartena turns and follows along the edge of the land. ]

TARTENA (to himself):
Two for the price of one? I smell a promotion.

[ EXT. EDGE OF TREES - NEAR COAST - DAY. : Kairin looks toward the sea (may be off screen in the foreground), with Fierox at his heels. ]

Some kind of sonar would make this a lot easier.

[ Fierox stops, fur standing on end, and growls. ]


[ Kairin turns to look at Fierox. ]

What's your problem?

[ A thin, golden aura glows around Fierox. Fierox darts into the trees, glowing tail flashing before the fox turns and disappears from sight. ]


[ Kairin runs into the trees where Fierox vanished. Rani flies past, with Tartena walking after him. ]

Paranoid kid.

[ There is a crackle of static from the trees. Tartena stops and looks toward the source of the noise. ]

What was that?

[ Behind a tree, Fierox crouches low, aura still glowing. The camera at Fierox's neck crackles with sparks. ]

You're glowing, and wearing... what is that?

[ Kairin reaches out toward the camera, but stops, regards Fierox uneasily, then raises his hand over Fierox's back so that it catches the glow. ]

Too weird.

[ Tartena watches the trees. ]

TARTENA (low, slowly):

[ Behind the tree, a puff of flame comes from Fierox's tail. Kairin jumps back. Fierox turns and runs through the trees in a streak of golden light. ]


[ Tartena turns his head at Fierox's move. Fierox can be seen streaking away from Tartena, back toward the ridge. ]

Stupid fox.

[ Tartena turns around to face Rani, who is now flying at a distance. ]

But I can't let them out of my sight. Flying humans are far more useful than that unlucky flea-bag.

[ Tartena starts running after Rani. ]


[ Fierox appears in a streak of gold, stopping near what could be where Tartena previously stood. Fierox circles the area carefully, nose toward the ground. Kairin runs up and stops near Fierox. ]

Jees, what's the big deal? ... Are you a fox or a dog?

[ Fierox stops, facing the ocean. Kairin steps closer to Fierox. The camera at Fierox's neck crackles again. ]

Is it that collar that's causing all of this?

[ Kairin kneels beside Fierox and reaches for the fabric around Fierox's neck. Fierox's aura fades, and Fierox relaxes slightly. Kairin pulls the loop off from Fierox's neck and brings it up to look at it. ]

It doesn't look right.

[ Kairin turns the camera over and feels of it with his free hand. ]

KAIRIN (cont'd):
What is this? That looks like a camera lens.

[ Fierox turns and snaps at the camera. Fire flashes around Fierox's head, and flies at the camera. Kairin gives a yelp as the camera and fabric fall from his hand and off the edge of the ridge, disappearing in the water below. ]

Awe, great job! Hopefully that wasn't important.

[ EXT. SHORELINE - DAY. : Though traces of forest are visible, the ground near the water becomes sandy, and in the distance, ships and a lighthouse can be seen. Liquaro flies over the water, looking down. ]

Sarai. Boku wa anata wo tsukamo ze.

RANI (OS, shouting):

[ Liquaro stops moving forward and turns around. ]


[ Wide shot, with the shoreline in the background. Rani flies toward Liquaro. Rani lands on the boundary between water and land. Liquaro flies near Rani and lands, facing him. Tartena walks up behind Rani. ]

This man said he will search with a boat.

That would be really helpful!

The pleasure is mine. I'll just need one of you to come with me.

Kairin can't fly; he could go.

Well, it'd be easier to get to and from the boat with people that can fly.

Well, then I will go.

That will be excellent. Just follow me. Are you sure that both of you won't join me?

We still need to search more area.

Ok, then.

[ Tartena turns around. ]

TARTENA (cont'd):
Then let's get going.

[ Tartena starts walking back the way he came. Rani follows him. ]

TARTENA (muttering):
Should have saved me the trip. Oh well, it'll be worth it once I get information out of this one.

[ EXT. SEASIDE RIDGE - DAY. : Fierox looks toward screen right, with Kairin crouched beside the fox. ]

So far, I've met three people out here that can fly, and a fox with fire power. Did I fall into a Gyouretsu?

You've been watching too much Suuri Bunshoudai.

[ Focus on Tartena as he walks up the ridge, followed by Rani. ]

That fox is mine. It was getting cranky on the boat, so we let it go ashore for a bit.

[ Tartena looks down at Fierox, then he scowls. ]

TARTENA (angry):
The camera! It's gone!

It fell into the water.

TARTENA (angry, shouting):
The water? That means any data left on it is lost!

I might be able to find it.

TARTENA (calmer, but still audibly angered):
No. Let's just get to my boat. Fierox, that means you.

[ Fierox growls, then jumps behind Kairin and runs toward the trees. ]

TARTENA (angry, shouting):
Fierox! Come here!

[ Fire ignites around Fierox as the fox runs through the trees, leaving a trail of burning grass and bark in its wake. ]

TARTENA (angry):
Fine! You were bad luck anyway!

[ Kairin looks at the burning trail left by Fierox. ]

That could start a forestfire.

Well, let's get going.

He's right.

Do you want to find your friend or not?

Can't you search alone? All you need to know is that it's a sixteen-year-old girl that we're looking for, isn't it?

This doesn't concern you.


So be quiet.

You know, not too long ago, a guy that could control color told me he needed my help. Turns out he put me to sleep and did experiments, then tried to catch some of his enemies and left me alone against six super-powered people. Now you've got a super-fox with a camera that's afraid of you, and you're trying to lure a kid onto a boat while there's a fire going on. Excuse me for not trusting you.

[ Tartena takes a step forward and swipes a hand over his chest. While he speaks, Tartena raises his hand, around which sparks are crackling. ]

Well, excuse me for not asking if you can swim!

[ Tartena thrusts his hand toward Kairin, and the sparks burst into Kairin's chest. Kairin yells as he falls back, putting one hand over his chest as he throws the other down to catch himself. His catching hand hits only air, though, as he slips over the edge of the ridge. ]

[ Rani jumps off of the ridge and flies below Kairin, catching him and carrying him back up to land safely. Rani and Kairin both face Tartena. ]

You're just an evil warrior!

I prefer "morally neutral satellite agent". Evil implies that you know what is best and I don't; I disagree.

[ Tartena waves his hand in front of his chest. ]

[ Kairin raises a hand, palm toward the sun. ]


[ Kairin aims his hand at Tartena, and there is a flash of light. ]

Thanks, kid. I needed a shot.

[ Tartena thrusts his hand toward Rani and Kairin. Rani jumps forward and extends a fist. Another burst of sparks flies from Tartena's glove, but Rani's fist hits it and it flies away before vanishing. ]

Flight isn't my only talent!

[ Rani leaps forward and punches Tartena in the face. Tartena's hat falls off as he steps back, scowling. (Tartena's head is bald and yellow as his face.) ]

All right, we'll do this the hard way!

[ Tartena raises a hand to strike, but Rani kicks, striking Tartena in the knee. Tartena staggers as Rani returns to a battle stance. Kairin holds both of his hands in front of his chest, palms up, as they slowly darken in color. ]

Did you intend to help us find Sarai?

Not that it matters, but no; I'm interested in your powers. As you can see, I have some of my own, but this armor is... borrowed. It's rigged to self-destruct if we try to take it apart to see how it works. But if you could teach us how your abilities work... we could accomplish quite a lot.

I won't help a bully like you!

Perhaps a stay with my uncle Guopin will change your mind.

[ Tartena lunges at Rani, one hand over his chest with the other extended to grab. Rani knocks Tartena's grabbing hand aside with his forearm, but Tartena thrusts his other hand into Rani's chest, and a blast of sparks knocks Rani back. ]

Dragonfly Attack!

[ Kairin thrusts his hands toward Tartena, and there is a bright flash of light as Tartena growls in rage. ]

BRATS! Fierox, get back here and help me!

[ Rani recovers and leaps for Tartena, punching him in the chest. Sparks flow from Tartena's armor and into Rani's arm, causing him to stop as he yells in pain. ]


His armor is a trap!

How nice of you to notice!

[ Tartena reaches out and grabs Rani by the arm. ]

Now, let's be going.

I don't think so!

[ Kairin draws back a fist that darkens. Kairin charges at Tartena, his whole arm becoming black. ]

Not this time!

[ Tartena steps forward and grabs Rani's other arm, pulling Rani into Kairin's path. Kairin stops and glares at Tartena. ]

I'll be going, now.

Tahea Laser!


[ A beam of light strikes Tartena in the back, and he stumbles forward. Rani breaks free of Tartena's grasp. ]

[ Liquaro (hand extended) and Vekin hover just off shore. They both float toward the ridge and land. ]

[ Tartena recovers and looks over his shoulder. ]

Ah, more guests.

[ Kairin steps beside Rani and raises his still black arm toward Tartena. A series of rapid flashes of light come from Kairin's arm as it returns to its normal coloration. ]

[ Tartena clutches his head as he yells in rage, turning to face Kairin. ]

Explain yourself. Why are you fighting?

I just wanted to show them to my boat, but the boys changed their minds.

I see fire in the forest!

[ Vekin turns and jumps from the ridge, hovering a few inches above the water. ]

One of you help guide the water.

[ Vekin holds out his hands, elbows slightly bent. Water rises around him and toward the top of the ridge. Liquaro runs toward the edge and holds out his hands, and the water flows toward him. ]

Hitori de dekinai to omou naa...

[ Rani moves to stand beside Liquaro and holds out his hands. The water flows over the both of them. ]

[ Tartena watches disbelievingly. ]

They're controling the water, now?

They're moving it with the same power they use to fly and kick your butt.

[ The water strikes Tartena, and he jumps back, taking cover behind a tree. ]

There's no telling what seawater will do to my armor...

[ The water flows between the trees and strikes several of the small fires, extinguishing them in a burst of smoke. ]

[ Tartena puts both hands over his chest. ]

Fools. Do a few trees matter so much that you'd allow me the chance to attack?

[ Tartena steps out from behind a tree, a large cloud of sparks flashing between his hands and his chest. Liquaro and Rani turn to face him. ]

Good night, boys.

[ Tartena spreads his arms, an arc of sparks and light flickering between his hands. ]

It is not enough.

Is that so? Let's find out!

[ Tartena rotates his hands, and the arc snaps into a large, sparking projectile that flies forward. Liquaro and Rani hold up their hands, but the blast still pushes them back and off of the ridge. ]

[ Vekin nods, and moves toward the ridge. ]

[ Tartena brings his hands to his chest. ]

There's more where that came from, I asure you.



[ A wall of fire appears behind Tartena, and Fierox flies out of it, striking Tartena in the back. Tartena falls forward, Fierox standing on top of him, surrounded in an aura of fire. ]

The fox needs to get out of the trees, otherwise they'll start burning again.

[ Vekin lands in front of where Tartena lies on the ground. Tartena begins to push himself up, but Vekin lowers his stance and extends a hand toward Fierox. Fierox's aura dims as the fox raises a paw. Vekin takes the paw, and places his free hand on Fierox's head. Golden light flows between Fierox and Vekin. ]

I see. You've known someone who knows something about ki.

What? This ki business again?

[ Tartena forces himself up, throwing Fierox off of him. Vekin takes a step backward. Tartena thrusts out a hand, and sparks fly from it; Vekin catches the sparks with a hand. Fierox lands between Tartena and a tree and growls. ]

Vento studied ki and the teachings of the hunters, but hasn't learned to fly.

Flight is a very difficult skill to master. My teacher made it her specialty, that she only taught to students who could handle it. I wasn't able to master it until well after I left and came to the twin islands.

What about those two brats?

[ Liquaro and Rani fly up and land on the ridge. ]

TARTENA (cont'd):
They're flying just fine.

They are using an art that very few can apply. So far as I know, there is only one left that knows how to administer the procedure.

Procedure? So it's like a medical operation?

I will not advise a man who would attack children.

Oh, really?

[ Tartena runs past Vekin. ]

[ Tartena grabs Kairin and holds him in a headlock with his arms behind his back. ]

How about now? You see, my uncle can fly as well, but few in our organization would bother trying to learn how; they think his arts are evil. That's why he never taught me. But I think this operation that empowered these children will change their minds. Now, are you going to tell me what I want to know?

[ Vekin smiles. ]

TARTENA (angry):
Why are you smiling?

You are a rash man blinded by a lust for power. You've already lost this battle.

TARTENA (angry):
I have a hostage, fool! Tell me what I want to know, or this kid bites the dust!


[ A flash of light comes from Kairin, and Tartena yells in rage. Liquaro and Rani both lunge for Tartena, each grabbing one of his arms and pulling them away from Kairin. Kairin pulls free and turns to face Tartena, who pulls free of the twins' holds. Liquaro and Rani both lunge for Tartena and start punching and kicking at him expertly, while Tartena backs up, struggling to block the twins' attacks. ]

TARTENA (angry, struggling):
Why... won't... you... die!


[ Fierox walks toward Kairin. ]


Don't try to lead the fox to violence.

[ Vekin turns and walks off the edge of the ridge, hovering in the air beyond it. He turns and flies toward the twins' and Tartena. ]

[ Liquaro and Rani jump back; each of them holds out one hand toward Tartena. Identical beams of white light shine from the outstretched hands and toward Tartena, who holds out his hands to catch the beams. ]

This is ridiculous... I won't lose to a couple kids!

Rani, the water!

I know!

What? No you don't!

[ Liquaro and Rani slowly move their blasting hands to the side, in the direction of the water. ]

[ Tartena is pushed toward the edge of the ridge. ]

No, no, no, no, no!

[ Tartena takes one hand away from blocking the beams and thrusts it forward, sending forward a burst of sparks. ]

[ Tartena's blast hits Liquaro in the face, and Liquaro yells and falls back, his beam fading. ]

[ Tartena laughs. ]

You're next!

[ Vekin flies behind Tartena and grabs him by the shoulders. ]


[ Rani's beam fades. Vekin carries Tartena into the air and flies over the ocean. ]

You can't dispose of me so easily!

[ Vekin drops Tartena over the water. Tartena bends his knees and leans forward as smoke issues from his boots and the back of his armor. Tartena rockets over the water, away from shore. ]

TARTENA (shouting):
It's not enough!

[ Tartena leans to one side and begins to turn back toward shore. Vekin descends to hover over the water a few feet from Tartena's side. Vekin holds out his arms, and a wave of water rises and moves toward Tartena. ]

TARTENA (fearful, angry):

[ From above, Tartena can be seen racing away from the wave. ]

Vento, where are you!

[ Wide shot: The wave grows larger as it catches up with Tartena. Tartena disappears behind the wave. A second or so later, the wave falls into the ocean, and Tartena is nowhere to be seen. ]

[ Vekin lowers his arms and drifts back toward the ridge. ]

[ On the ridge, Liquaro, Rani, Kairin and Fierox stand together, looking toward the sea. Vekin lands beside Fierox. ]

I can't see him.

He is gone.

[ EXT. ABOVE TWIN ISLANDS - DAY. : From above, the two islands, less than 100 meters apart, can be seen to be far from identical. The southern island is somewhat L-shaped and relatively low, with houses and grass toward its interior. The northern island is rockier and covered in darker vegetation, with a grassy plateau dominating most of it. Smoke drifts through the water around the islands, flowing between them. ]

[ A metal-and-wood boat drifts along the northwest side of the southern island. ]

[ Zoom in on the boat. Vento is at the helm, with two men behind him. ]

Our aft radar is down.

Not surprising. The smoke isn't dissolving. It's being directed by something.

... Yes, I see it in the water...

Follow it.

And risk losing more equipment?

Either we find something useful, or we die. In either case, my orders are "follow".

[ From above, the boat can be seen moving between the islands, following the smoke as it continues to move out to sea. ]

[ EXT. SEN'NIN ISLAND - EVENING. : From the distance, the island can be seen to be mostly sand, with several rock formations visible across it. A castle with no less than two towers is visible on one end of the island. Mist drifts around the island, and smoke srifts up from the water and onto the shore, obscuring a tall, humanoid figure. Through the smoke, it appears that the figure is holding something such as a mace or a sceptre, though it is unclear from the smoke and the distance. ]

[ The previously-seen boat drifts toward the island. ]

Land ahead. The smoke is going ashore.


[ The water around the boat rocks violently, then tosses the boat upward. ]

SECOND (panic):
The radio isn't working... AH!

[ Both men scream as the boat capcizes. A cloud of mist surrounds the boat. Fade to black. ]

2:50 PM 5/19/2010