Episode 20: "Sky or Die"

Writer:  C. A. E. Jones

8:29 PM 5/26/2010

[ EXT. RICEFIELD - MORNING. : The field is large and full, though the size of the crops suggest mid to late summer. ]

[ Slowly zoom in. Retanretla steps into view. ]

This has gone on long enough.

[ The sky above a section of crops becomes glassy in appearance, and the crops darken as though receiving little light. ]

RETANRETLA (cont'd):
I'm tired of this deadend search for a way to enhance my power.

[ The crops beneath the glassy sky begin to give off smoke, then begin to lean groundward. The sky returns to normal. ]

[ A pair of crows flies overhead. ]

I am already powerful enough!

[ The sky over the crows becomes glassy in appearance, and the crows drop from the sky and disappear beneath the crops below. The sky returns to normal. ]

Turn this field into a radioactive wasteland? Hah! I can turn this entire country into a graveyard!

[ The entire sky becomes glassy, and everything in the field, other than Retanretla, darkens as though under low light. A faint cloud of smoke rises from the field. ]

No more hiding. I've had nimeses long enough.

[ EXT. ISLAND - DAY. : Pan down and zoom in. Sarai, wet and splotched with seaweed, walks, looking slightly upward a few feet away from Theracy, who looks at Sarai in confusion. ]

[ Sarai (see episode 16), clothes hair and skin soaked with splotches of seaweed over her, walks across the sand. ]

Darn, I missed them!

[ Theracy looks on with an uneasy expression. ]

Who... are you?

[ Sarai stops walking about seven feet from Theracy and looks at her. Sarai smiles. ]

Don't tell me you don't recognize me, Theracy.

[ Close on Sarai's face. ]

No, I guess you wouldn't. The Soul Fire has that effect on people.

[ Zoom out and pan toward Theracy, though before Sarai is out of frame, the faint image of a red skeleton can be seen glowing around her. ]

Wait... are you...?

[ Sarai smiles. ]

Do you remember the keys?

[ Flash through white to... ]

[ EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - NIGHT. : Zoom in on a water-filled crack in a bed of concrete. ]

[ Zoom in on the crack. A few small chunks of concrete float aside as the water forces its way into the crack, which is several inches deep. A golden key is on its side, visible through the crack. The water reaches it; upon touching it, the volume of water in the crack rapidly expands, stripping away several thin chips of concrete. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
And what happened when we touched it?

[ Flash through white to... ]

[ EXT. FOREST - NIGHT. : A figure in dark robes and a black cloak, its features hidden beneath a black hood, lifts its head. Its hands cannot be clearly seen, but something glows silver between its sleeves. ]

[ Flash through white to... ]

[ INT. TEMPLE - NIGHT. : The clearest portions of the floor are covered in the burned remains of a large rug. The closer to the center of the room, the more burned the walls appear to be; some areas are obscured by rubble, though most of the room seems untouched, as though a small explosion occurred in the center of the room. Two men lie face down on the least burned portion of the rug; the necks and heads are visible enough that the skin can be seen to be filled with bubbles and blisters; though the skin is mostly pale, some of the blisters are discolored. ]

[ Some of the rubble toward the center of the room shifts, and a tanned hand emerges from it. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
What about the temple that Retanretla nuked?

[ Pan to and zoom in on the hand. It reaches out and gropes for something. ]

[ The room disappears in a spiral of white light; the hand turns black, and the whole screen becomes a black-and-white spiral. ]

[ *Fade through white to...* ]

[ EXT. FIELD - BEHIND BUILDING - DAY. : Two streaks of sparks, one blue and the other gold, bolt into view, stopping in the middle of the field. ]

[ the sparks fade and reveal Fieron and Fierox. Fieron inhales deeply, then exhales. Fierox lightly paws Fieron's leg. ]

FIERON (muffled, reverb):
I wonder what they've gotten out of Dr. Nono. Perhaps she knows more about Eoce than I do...

SARAI (voice-over):
Or how we watched Fieron so much...

[ Fieron pulls down the cloth from his nose and mouth, though he still looks down and his face is hidden by his hood. ]

FIERON (muffled, reverb):
Perhaps it would be safer to go alone next time. We don't need you getting shot again.

[ Fieron looks up. His face can be seen beneath his head, and it is that of Niryc. ]

[ fade through white to... ]


[ Through the water, the translucent image of the Nornish appears. ]

THERACY (voice-over, muffled, reverb):
Kimal left the Nornish here? But that means...

[ A bolt of lightning strikes from the sky to the Nornish. ]

[ Face the horizon. The view rotates so that the island is no longer visible. A circle of semitransparent, trapezoidal ships with green sails (reference episode 13) are visible. On the nearest such ship, a cannon can be seen, with a ghostly figure behind it. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
And don't tell me you forgot how those Shadow Sailors managed to face us directly.

[ Zoom in on the closest ship. Several mostly-transparent figures, gaunt and emotionless, stand on the deck. Everything about them is thin and pale, though their images are blurred enough that it can't be seen if they are skeletal or grayscale flesh. Some of them hold muskets, while others wield swords. ]

THERACY (voice-over, muffled, reverb, urgent):
What do you want?

VOICE (chorused, reverb, booming near-whisper):
Freedom. Life. Power.

[ Fade to near-white, with the ship and its crew faintly visible. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
You were sure then, weren't you?

[ The whiteness fades and the scene is as it was. A translucent image of Theracy fades into existence on the deck, facing the ghostly crew. ]

THERACY (muffled, reverb):
You can't have me, or my power. But perhaps...

[ Theracy holds out her hand as though grasping something. A staff appears in her hand, and she rises a few inches off of the deck and hovers there. A translucent red skeleton appears around Theracy, larger than her, so that its feet reach the ground. ]

THERACY (muffled, reverb):
Perhaps we can assist each other.

[ Two of the muskets aim for Theracy and fire golden projectiles at her. Theracy spins the staff and catches both projectiles, striking one into the sky and the other into the deck, where it disintegrates and vanishes. Theracy glides forward, and two sword-wielding figures move for her and attack. Theracy easily blocks their attacks and turns the staff horizontally, using it to push the attackers back. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ EXT. ISLAND - DAY. : Sarai smiles. ]

[ Pan to Theracy, who's expression is one of astonishment. ]

Then... the smoke from the giant...

[ Sarai shakes her head. ]

The smoke was the product of something far more dangerous. If a native of this universe were to touch the heart of that giant, especially with indirect means, their entire consciousness might cease to exist.

But it only separated us?

Not quite.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. CITYSCAPE - DAY. : A gelatenous green giant (reference episode 16) stomps through a building, Fierox perched on its shoulder. ]

[ A translucent image of Theracy appears, surrounded by a glowing red skeleton and wielding a staff. ]

THERACY (voice-over, reverb, chorused):
Most interesting. I've only ever heard stories of something like this...

[ Smoke begins to leak from the giant, slowly drifting toward "Theracy". "Theracy" aims the staff at the giant, and blue lightning flies from it. ]

THERACY (voice-over, reverb, chorused):
Let's see what you're made of!

[ The smoke swirls around the lightning and flows into the staff, up the skeletal arm, and completely obscures Theracy's image. There is a heavily distorted scream as the red skeleton is consumed in a ball of smoke and fire. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
The Soul Fire came close to breaking even me.

[ Zoom in on the flames. A wispy blob of red light, surrounded in smoke, floats downward and through the air. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
Well, it came close to breaking Zevrat. And Sarai.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. SEASIDE CLEARING - DAY. : Liquaro, Rani and Sarai stand near the edge of the land. ]

SARAI (muffled, reverb):
Atashi wo mite yo!

THERACY (voice-over):
Liquaro and Rani's cousin?

[ Sarai steps forward and jumps into the air, flying over the water. ]

SARAI (muffled, reverb):
Tahea... spirit...

[ A large wave appears, running along the coast toward Sarai. ]

LIQUARO / RANI (shouting, muffled, reverb):

SARAI (muffled, reverb):

[ A sphere of white light grows around Sarai as the wave strikes her. Water flies over the clearing in a massive wall. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
Yes. They were training when the giant fell into the ocean and started that wave.

[ Zoom in on the wave. A trail of smoke leads further along the coast. Follow the smoke until a glowing object can be seen. The glow fades, and Sarai appears, the surface of the water now long out of sight. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
I don't think either Zevrat or Sarai could have survived alone.

[ The smoke-bathed red glow drifts in from above and moves toward Sarai. ]

But fate and our own powers brought us together.

[ The glow flows into Sarai's body, and she is bathed in red light. Sarai opens her mouth, and a black cloud rises from it as she turns and flies away through the water, a red aura flaring up around her. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
But it wasn't like what happened to you.

[ Dissolve to... ]


Zevrat was but a guest to your mind. But he did not enter Sarai that way.

[ Sarai steps forward. A faint red glow flashes over her, and the seaweed flies off of her, and her hair is whipped back. ]

Zevrat was not born as most Hetran souls are.

[ Sarai holds up a hand, and a white light bursts from it, taking the shape of a man wielding a staff. ]

First there was Zefren, a man of skil and power, but because he was not of a respected family in his homeland, he was kept out of power.

[ The figure of light raises its staff high as sparks crackle around it. Sarai raises her other hand, and light bursts from it, taking the shape of a woman in a long dress. ]

The witch sister of a noble came to understand and support Zefren, and turned on her family to join him.

[ The staff-wielding figure of light sinks to its knees. The two light-figures float close to one another. ]

When Zefren was mortally wounded, the witch formed a new body, and merged both of their souls within it.

[ The light-woman holds out her hands, and a skeleton formed of light appears between the two figures. The light-figures lose form and flow into the light-skeleton, which grows and becomes red in color. ]

And Zevrat was born.

[ A staff forms in the skeleton's hand before it dissolves into the air. ]

But Zevrat was betrayed to death. And that was his end. Until something of cosmic proportions happened...

[ Flash through white to... ]

[ EXT. VOID - LIT. : The background is a vast expanse of blackness, though it is mostly covered by a flickering bubble of translucent white light, within which can be seen a field of stars. ]

[ Several ghostly shapes bubble up from the stars and float along the outside of the bubble. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
Souls in Hetra are different from those in this world. When the body dies, the souls are carried to the brink of the universe by Eslafra, the master of death, and await their ultimate fate.

[ The bubble ripples. A second bubble fades into existence from the bottom of the screen, pulsating as it collides with the first. The ghosts along the first bubble are scattered when the bubbles collide; several of them fall back into the stars and disappear from sight. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
Something disturbed the very stability of the universe itself. Several souls fell back into space above Hetra. A servant of Eslafra managed to contain them in shadow until the ripples stopped...

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. SPACE - DAY. : Several of the previously-seen ghosts float haphazardly through the starlit void. ]

[ A shadowy figure appears in the center of the screen, and holds out its hands. Shadowy masses flow from the figures hands, trapping most of the ghosts. ]

SARAI (voice-over, cont'd):
But the souls of powerful magic-users were able to remain conscious while within the shadow.

[ Several shadow-trapped ghosts twist into the form of snakes. Zoom in on one, who is surrounded in a red, skeletal outline. ]

Zevrat was such a soul.

[ Zoom out. The shadowy figure throws up both of its arms, and all of the ghosts, snake-shaped and otherwise, fly off screen. ]

SARAI (voice-over, cont'd):
The souls were eventually restored to their waiting place. But something even more dramatic happened.

[ EXT. VOID - LIT. : The ghost-covered bubble sits still as the pulsating bubble shakes violently near it. (The two bubbles are constantly touching.) ]

SARAI (voice-over, cont'd):
The adjacent universe--your universe--was torn in two.

[ The pulsating, ghost-less bubble suddenly expands, and then a crease forms in its middle, until it becomes two separate bubbles. As the bubbles float apart, they pull on the ghost-covered bubble, and several ghosts are scattered. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
Torn in two?!

[ Zoom in on the point of contact between the ghost-bubble and another. Several snake-shaped ghosts slip from the cloud of scattering ghosts and fall toward the ghost-free bubble. ]

SARAI (voice-over, cont'd):
Yes, and in that split, many of the conscious, magic spiris fell into the tearing universe.

[ Zoom in on the red skeleton-covered ghost. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. SPACE - DAY. : Several icy planetoids are visible in the background. One moves rapidly across the screen. ]

[ The red-skeleton-covered ghost falls onto frame and lands on the comit before it flies off screen. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
Zevrat fell into this universe.

[ EXT. VENUS - TWILIGHT. : Lightning flashes through the yellow sky, though the clouds are thick enough that the lighting becomes very dim. ]

[ Pan down to reveal several boulders being thrown across a rocky landscape by powerful winds. ]

[ The previously-seen comit, now smaller and bathed in steam, flies into view. Before it reaches the ground, it explodes, though a thrown boulder flies into the steam-cloud. As the boulder flies out of the steam, it glows red. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
He eventually wound up on the planet you call Venus. And the planet pursued him.

[ Follow the red-glowing boulder. A bolt of lightning strikes it, and the boulder falls to the ground, splitting in two. The red glow fades, and another, smaller rock flies over the broken boulder. A cloud of steam flies out of the boulder and into the smaller stone. Follow the smaller stone as it flies through the air. Lightning strikes around it. A jagged-sided plateau appears in the distance, and the wind suddenly shifts, throwing the rock toward the plateau. ]

[ Zoom out to view the lightning and wind-thrown rocks from a distance. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
With little more than rocks and clouds to anchor him, Zevret was nearly powerless against the might of Venus. But finally, something favorable came from the heavens.

[ A large, icy comit falls into view, sheathed in flame. ]

[ Shot of a stone flying through the air. Rain begins to fall from above. A cloud of steam rises from the rock, jumping from raindrop to raindrop. ]

[ The comit collides with the steam, then flies out of frame. ]

[ EXT. SPACE - DAY. : The comit flies away from Venus; follow the comit as Venus disappears from sight. ]

SARAI (voice-over):
A chunk of ice flew through the atmosphere of Venus, and Zevrat escaped on it...

[ The Earth comes into view. The comit falls into the atmosphere. ]

SARAI (voice-over, cont'd):
And rode it to Earth.

[ Dissolve to... ]


And that's where he found me.

Yes. But for the time being, Zevrat was only a guest to you, and could hardly use his powers. At times he could give you his fighting skills, but the physics of this world differ enough from those of Hetra that all of Zevrat's powers couldn't be used to their fullest. But once the Soul Fire cast Zevrat into the smoke-strangled sea, he was able to repeat the process of his creation.

[ Sarai smiles as a faint red aura appears around her. ]

I am now neither Zevrat nor Sarai. I am neither Tar Za nor human. I am Zevrai, a form not seen since the creation of the worlds.

[ The red aura fades. ]

[ Theracy's expression is fearful, and she takes a step back. ]

But... what does that mean for Sarai?

[ Sarai, hereafter Zevrai, smiles pleasantly. ]

Oh, don't worry. It isn't as though she was possessed, but she wasn't destroyed, either. I've realized too things since I have been in one form. Zevrat was selfish and cruel, and Sarai was soft and needlessly sacrificial. But I will do what must be done.

[ Theracy shakes her head. ]

What about Liquaro and Rani?

I am still Sarai enough to care about them. I came here to find them. It took a while for me to come to my senses and escape the sea, especially with it so full of qi-smoke. So it seems I arrived too late to catch them.

Can you do that thing they did? The Spirit Lift?

Yes, but I have to find them first. The Spirit Lift requires enough of an idea of a destination to reach it, otherwise nothing will happen--at best. At worst, a careless Spirit-lifter could wind up like those ghost sailors who still have the Nornish.

Well, can't you follow the path they took? Look, at least?

I can't remote view anymore. That power worked because you and Zevrat were still separate beings. I do have a far more powerful version of Sarai's qi-senses, though. Give me a moment, and I might be able to find them.

[ Focus on Theracy's perplexed face. Fade to black. ]

[ Break. ]

[ Fade in to INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - DAY. : Wind sits in the chair farthest from the door. ]

[ Spectro enters and moves toward the chair nearest the door. ]

Ah, well. So much for that trip to China.

[ Spectro sits in the chair. ]

Something happened?

Nah. Retanretla... I mean, sure Aluben can take him, and I guess Shanan's relatively safe in water form. But I'm the only one that can stop colateral damage. Didn't work out so well with Blue Mountain. Can't let that happen again.

That wasn't your fault.

Will be if I'm out of the country.

Where were you going to go?

Well, let's just say I know a few people there.

It's coming out of your paycheck.

[ Gravitor drifts into the room, though his feet are within millimeters of the ground. Captain Fist enters behind him, scowling. ]

Yeah, thanks for the reminder.

Charles? Aren't you supposed to be ... on crutches?

Wheelchair. But it's easy enough to stand when I'm a tenth my normal weight.

[ Gravitor grabs the side of the refrigerator and pulls himself across the table. He holds onto the refrigerator with his other hand, stopping himself so that he stands in front of the table. Captain Fist turns so that he's facing Gravitor. ]

This hasn't gone through the Chair yet...

Retanretla's in West Virginia. He messed with some traffic lights, caused some crazy accidents. He wants us out there.

He's lost it. Yelling about--

How he's going to nuke a neighborhood each day we don't show up.

We need time to evalu--

I'm going.

Not until we have--

As a civilian if need be.

[ Black Eagle enters, followed by Aluben. Captain fist takes a step in front of the refrigerator and looks around with an irritated expression on his face. Black Eagle moves toward the center of the room, while Aluben stands beside Spectro's chair. ]

We have a jet on standby. I'm expecting we get the greenlight any minute.

Not without a strategy briefing.

How long ago was this?

This morning. Rush hour.

We can't rush in without a plan.

Of course not, "Sir". We'd have more to work with if we could evaluate the situation more directly.


All we have is a police report and an ultimatum; we can't build a strategy with that. Spectro could help us with reconnaissance if we get close enough before we move.

And if he knows we're there?

Would you rather we send Spectro ahead? It'd be quieter. Spectro, how many can fit in your plane?

Legally? Four. I could manage five, maybe six, seven if it was absolutely necessary.

[ Captain Fist sighs. ]

All right. I'll pitch it to the chair.

Now, I hope?

Yes, now. Come on.

[ Captain Fist turns and walks out of the room. ]

We could really use Theracy's powers right now.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. ISLAND - DAY. : Zevrai and Theracy, now standing side-by-side (about arms length apart), look upward. ]

We could really use my powers right now.

Hmm. Something else I haven't seen before.

[ Zevrai shakes her head. ]

ZEVRAI (cont'd):
That's happening too often, nowadays.

[ Theracy looks toward Zevrai. ]


They're above the atmosphere of the planet.

THERACY (surprised):
You mean they're in space?

Yes. But they're contained within something... something sustained by a user of Tahea.

Taharhin said he was taking them to an arena of his design.

He must have created an airtight room from his own power. Amazing.

Can you get inside it?

The spirit lift doesn't do so well going through solid matter. Sure, it can, but it's much safer to travel through air. I can only imagine what could happen if someone tried to use it to travel through outer space.

But you said this arena was made from Taharhin's power; can you get through that?

It's possible. I don't know. I'll try, though.

[ Zevrai raises her hands over her head and clasps them together. ]

Tahea... Spirit... lift!

[ A white aura forms around Zevrai, as a jagged bolt of lightning comes from above and flows over her. Her face shows alarm, and she spreads her arms apart and falls toward the ground as the light fades. Theracy runs to her and catches her before she can hit the ground. ]

Are you all right?

Better than I would be if I'd left the ground.

[ Zevrai stands on her own. ]

Taharhin is truly a master of Tahea. He must nothave had much to do all his life if he could develop that kind of power.

What are you going to do now that you can't get into the arena?

[ Zevrai brings her hand to her chin and takes on a thoughtful expression. ]

Well, I could wait for the fight to end. But I still don't understand the Soul Fire, and I'm sure you don't, either. Wasn't there a demon that used fire in Hawaii just before the giant appeared in Japan?

Yes. It attacked a family with seven kids.

Is there anything near that place that is always burning?

Huh? Well, I guess there's an active volcano in Hawaii.

Ah, that's right! Do you know exactly where it is?

No. But I think I could find the family that was attacked.

Hmm. You focus on that place. I'll do the rest.


[ Zevrai holds out her hands and clasps them together. ]

Wait, what are you doing?

Oh, calm down. How did you expect to go home, anyway?

[ Theracy wears a terrified expression. ]

Just focus on the place where the firedemon appeared. Got it?

[ Theracy nods. ]

All right! Tahea... Spirit... Lift!

[ A sphere of white light expands rapidly from Zevrai's hands until both Zevrai and Theracy are gone from sight. The sphere then flies into the sky, leaving a streak of light behind. ]

[ EXT. SKY - DAY. : Spectro's plane flies through the sky. ]

[ INT. SPECTRO'S PLANE - DAY. : Spectro sits in the pilot's seat, with Aluben beside him. ]

What does he want?

Me, maybe you.

But did he ask for everyone?

Probably. He wouldn't mind killing all of us if he could. We can withstand him; that's probably what's been bugging him all year.

Then why shouldn't we take him while everyone is behind?

If we don't have to fight him, we shouldn't.

[ EXT. OVER CITY - DAY. : Below, a large traffic jam is visible, with policecars forming a blockade around a large intersection. ]

[ Zoom in until the trafficlights are clearly visible. Though the top light is lit, its color appears to be green. The light changes so that the bottom light is lit, but its color fades to red, then back through orange, yellow, green, and blue, before the glow becomes a glassy violet. ]

[ Above, Spectro's plane, now translucent, flies toward the intersection. ]


Not again... if we don't work with the police, things could get bad like they did in Blue Mountain.

Do they know?

They will in a minute. First...

[ EXT. SKY - DAY. : A familiar jet flies through the air. ]

[ INT. JET - COCKPIT - DAY. : Black Eagle sits in the pilot's seat, with Captain Fist beside him. ]

SPECTRO(over radio):
He's grandstanding in a big intersection. Police are blocking it off. I'm telling them we're here.

I didn't clear that.

SPECTRO(over radio):
I'm telling them we're here.

See if you can get them to give us extra space. Enough to land.

You're not in charge, here...

Better safe than sorry, would you agree?

Landing on the interstate isn't my idea of safe.

If Wind and Gravitor can help, we might be able to land on a shorter runway.

Fine. Signal the police. Have them keep civilians out of the area.

[ EXT. INTERSECTION - DAY. : A figure that is identical in color to the objects and background behind him stands in the middle of the intersection. ]

[ The policecars turn on their sirens and move further from the intersection, maintaining a blockade. The sounds of traffic can still be heard, though there is far more trafic-free space around the intersection. ]

[ The color of the figure changes to reveal that it is Retanretla. ]

Well, that was fast.

[ EXT. SKY - DAY. : The jet flies through the sky. ]

[ The jet descends over the city. ]


The airport isn't that way.

Too many chances.

Turn this jet the right way, Eagle. That's an order.

We're hitting some turbulance. We'd be better to get on the ground quickly.

Turbulence? Do you think I'm stupid?

[ The jet shudders. ]

Worse than I thought.

[ Captain Fist growls and looks back through the transparent divider behind him. ]

[ Seated in one of the front seats on the other side of the divider, Wind shrugs. (Hydron, Glacier and Gravitor are seated nearby, though the shot focuses on Wind.) ]

[ EXT. OVER ROAD - DAY. : The road is packed with vehicles trying to find space to move. ]

[ The jet descends, coming in low above the traffic. ]

[ As the view moves to follow the jet, policecars can be seen blocking the road, and the jet passes over them to descend to the clear road beyond, slowing as it touches down. ]

[ EXT. INTERSECTION - DAY. : Retanretla stares along the road in the background. The jet can be seen moving down the road. ]

Not invisible? What makes them think I'll let them out?

[ The jet comes to a stop a few meters from the intersection. ]

CAPTAIN FIST(over loudspeaker):
By order of the United States Intensive Situation Defense--


[ The air above the jet takes on a reddish tint, and the rest of Captain Fist's message is covered up by static and electronic pops and whistles. ]


[ Captain Fist slams his fists on the console. ]

What the blazes is he doing? It's like someone shoved a cel-phone into the speakers!

[ Black Eagle presses a button, and the barier behind him and Captain fist slides away. ]

We should form a perimeter. Someone could take him off guard.

Ok. You take the front. Wind and Hydron, flank him; Glacier, try to go in from behind. If we have to, you can harpoon him. Gravitor, stay with the jet in case it needs moving.

[ EXT. INTERSECTION - DAY. : The side hatch of the jet opens, and Black Eagle exits, followed by Wind, Hydron, and finally Glacier. Gravitor stops inside the hatch. ]

[ Black Eagle approaches Retanretla, while Wind and Hydron move out to either side. Glacier walks off screen past the jet. ]

Ah, no. One at a time.

All right.

[ Black Eagle raises his hands as though to blast. ]

You're first, then? That means no Spectro shielding you.

Didn't say I was first.

[ Close on Retanretla, who raises an eyebrow. Something makes a hard, flesh-piercing-sounding collision with Retanretla from behind, and he yells in pain and falls forward, an ice-spear sticking out of his back. ]

[ Shot of Wind's face, with a shocked and horrified expression. ]

[ Shot of Black Eagle, who steps forward with a smug expression on his face. ]

Don't tell me that's all...

[ On the ground, Retanretla growls in both pain and anger. He reaches up and pulls the ice-spear from his back as he gets to one knee. (If the end of the spear appears in frame, it should be reddened with blood.). ]

[ Retanretla turns, narrowly dodging another ice-spear that flies past him in the process. ]

Well, then, another test with my blood!

[ Retanretla hurls the spear. ]

[ Glacier stands in the middle of the road at another part of the intersection, holding another ice-spear. The spear thrown by Retanretla sails past Glacier harmlessly. Glacier throws the ice-spear that he holds. ]

[ Retanretla struggles to try and get to both feet. His shoulders tense for a moment, and there is a brief glow of orange behind him. An ice-spear flies into view, and Retanretla ducks out of its path, though it grazes his ear as it flies off screen. ]

RETANRETLA (muttering):
How did that shot... well... they don't need to know that.

[ Light off to Retanretla's left, toward the jet now that he's turned to face Glacier, starts to redden, as though a film of dust is caught in the wind. ]

[ Glacier slides one foot forward, ice growing from both feet and pushing him forward. A lance of ice grows around Glacier's left arm. ]

[ Retanretla yells as he lunges. ]

[ Glacier's ice-lance catches Retanretla in the side, and Retanretla grunts in pain as he falls to the ground. ]

[ Shot of Hydron. ]

His powers aren't working right.

[ Retanretla gets to his elbows. ]

I... Disagree!

[ All the color around Retanretla and Glacier shifts toward blue before fading into an eerie violet. ]

[ Ice bellows around Glacier in a barier as he makes another stab, but the barier obstructs his precision and Retanretla moves out of the path of the lance. ]

This round... is... mine!

[ Close on Black Eagle as he extends a hand and fires a beam of light and sparks from it. ]

[ Follow the beam as it quickly strikes Retanretla in the back, knocking him back to the ground. Retanretla yells at the blow, but manages to get to his feet. ]

Gah! I hope that's your entrance, unless you want this town--

[ Black Eagle walks toward Retanretla. ]

You're bluffing. That spear in the back weakened your powers.

I beg to differ!

[ The sky above Black Eagle shifts to blue-violet, to a pure blue, then to a glassy violet. Black Eagle's wings ignite and he flies toward Retanretla. ]

You can't dodge light!

Neither can you.

[ Black Eagle lets loose another blast that pushes Retanretla back toward Glacier, then comes in low to pin Retanretla to the ground. Black Eagle's wings fold upward a bit, then vanish in a burst of flames. Black Eagle flips Retanretla over and rolls so that Retanretla is above him, restrained by the arms. ]

Get out of this!


[ A Blue haze forms near the ground around Black Eagle and Retanretla before the blue-violet shift becomes visible around them. ]

Maybe I can't hit you lethally like this, but the same--

[ Black Eagle pulls one of Retanretla's forearms back, and there is a sickening crack as Retanretla roars in pain. ]

If anyone dies here today, it'll be you.

Go ahead and kill me! You ever tried posing a dead body? If I die nuking you, there's a good chance my power will stay active. Without me to stop it, it'll just keep on going!

[ Black Eagle leaps up and throws Retanretla to the pavement. ]

How's that back of yours?

Agonizing! But... still... Works!

[ Retanretla jumps to his feet, his whole body shifting to blue as he pushes Black Eagle back. ]

[ The scene abruptly becomes black. ]

[ Retanretla appears and turns around. ]

So... you finally... show yourself...

[ Pan to the left so that Spectro, several feet away, and Retanretla are visible, facing one another. ]

It's me you want, isn't it? Experimenting on kids, holding a town hostage knowing noone here is radiation proof... but Aluben and me.

Don't be... so... full of yourself. I don't build my life around you.

You aren't used to losing. You've always gotten what you want, and if anyone tried to stop you, they get cooked. But Aluben withstood you. And when I'm around, anyone can withstand you. And you've never had to deal with that. I wonder, did you radiate your parents when they wouldn't let you grow a beard?

[ Close on Retanretla's feet. Slowly pan up, stopping once his head and shoulders are in frame. ]

That's just like you, and Kimal, and the Russians, and your whole "be good children" society! You think you know what's best, and I'm either sick or evil for saying "no". The Russians were snooping around the altar-lovers. I destroyed them! Them and their order, and laws, and their holyness... and I saved them without meaning to, because laws are for the weak! I crossed the straight when it froze. I hopped a train from Alaska... and I left you scrambling like the fools you are, survived, and won, and your laws did nothing but get your own people hurt! Laws are for the weak; for the strong, laws are toys--play with them one day, break them the next.

[ Mid shot of Spectro. ]

If that's your philosophy, then you won't have any complaints when it's your undoing.

[ Pan to Retanretla. ]

What's that supposed to mean?

[ Black Eagle quickly jumps up from behind Retanretla. The background returns to normal. ]

BLACK EAGLE (quickly):
I'm back.

[ Before Retanretla can react, Black Eagle's fist is raised, and a quickbeam blasts from it, throwing Retanretla forward, into the air, and out of frame. ]

[ Mid shot of Retanretla flying through the Air. Wind stands at the corner of the intersection, with Spectro on the next corner. (Hydron may be visible at the opposite corner.) ]

Sara, intercept!

[ Wind holds out her arms, and a vortex of air forms around Retanretla, keeping him aloft. ]

RETANRETLA (enraged):
I'll... KILL YOU!!!

[ Gravitor flies up out of nowhere and smacks Retanretla with both hands; both of them fall toward the jet. ]

[ Captain Fist stands just inside the open hatch of the jet. ]

What the devil are you doing?

Either hit him or move...

[ Captain Fist jumps out of the way as Retanretla crashes into the aircraft. ]

He should be unconscious by now.

You should have cancer by now.

[ Captain Fist kicks Retanretla in the stomach. Retanretla growls, but it catches in a gurgle as he coughs up a bit of blood. ]

[ Black Eagle stands in the middle of the intersection, with Spectro and Wind at the corners behind him, Hydron and Glacier in the foreground, and Aluben standing in the road between Hydron and Spectro. ]

Wind, follow me! Aluben, get in there.

[ Aluben runs across the intersection. Black Eagle and Wind move after him. ]

[ All of Taoe approaches the jet. ]

Are you out of your mind?

Glacier, ramp.

[ Glacier moves toward the jet as a sloping sheet of ice extends from him to slide under it. ]

RETANRETLA (pained, out of breath, angry):

[ Retanretla coughs. ]

RETANRETLA (cont'd):
can't... stop me...

Well, then we can at least put you somewhere you can't cause harm. Good luck on the surviving part, too.


Gravity's off.

Wind, keep the jet pressurized.

Aye Aye, Captain.

Hey! I'm in charge, here...

[ Black Eagle pushes at the side of the jet, and it slides up the ice-ramp. Captain Fist jumps out of the opening and lands on the road next to the ramp, then runs back toward Black Eagle. Aluben jumps into the jet as it rises into the air.* ]

[ EXT. ABOVE CITY - DAY. : The jet slowly rises from the road. ]

[ Aluben stands in the opening in the side of the jet, with Wind and Gravitor hovering along side it. ]

I'll still ... kill... all of you...

No you won't!

[ Aluben holds out a fist, and a yellow-brown cloud forms around it. The cloud flies at Retanretla and explodes; the blast throws Retanretla further into the jet, where he lies in a heap. ]

How high are we going?

Let's put it this way... we'll have time to chat on the way down.

... The air's getting thin...

Can you keep it up?

I think so... But...

SPECTRO(over radio):
All right, guys; now get out of there.

One sec.

[ Close on Gravitor as he holds up a pen. He looks inside the jet, and throws the pen. ]

[ Shot of the cockpit. The pen flies through the air. ]

[ Follow the pen and zoom in on the console as the tip of the pen strikes a button labeled "CLOSE HATCH". The impact is sufficient to press the button before the pen falls out of sight. ]

[ Outside the jet, Aluben jumps out as the hatch slides shut. Wind, Gravitor and Aluben slowly fall away from the jet, which continues to fly through the air and out of view. ]

Wow. It's... cold up here.

Can you hold out long enough to get to the ground?

I don't know...

Well, we're high enough up that I'm not sure I can speed us up for a bit. Not that we'd want that...


Wow. The lights... We're not falling...

Not very quickly.

It's... quiet.

It'd be louder if there was more wind.

One of me's enough.

Hehe. I was kind of referring to the jetstream...

It's peaceful.

It's dangerous. Not so much protection against all the stuff in space. Cosmic rays... radiation... Retanretla will be right at home.

Do you ever come up here?

Nah. Thought about it a time or two. It's kind of scary being so far from everything, knowing that if you slip up, there's a good chance you'll either fly into a place where you can't survive, or fall so fast you might burn up before breaking on the earth. And there's not much air, usually.

Where are we going to land?

We'll find out when we get there. Hopefully we don't get blown to the ocean.

Don't worry about that.

[ EXT. OVER OCEAN - DAY. : A comit-shaped mass of light flies through the sky. ]

[ EXT. MT KILAUEA - DAY. : Lava continually bursts from near the top of the relatively flat mountain, joining a river of it that cascades seaward. ]

[ Zoom in on a small rocky outcropping around which lava flows. The light-comit descends from above and strikes the rock, then fades to reveal Zevrai and Theracy. Theracy stumbles and screams before Zevrai reaches out and catches her. ]

It seems we found it.

[ Theracy regains her footing, then puts a hand to her nose. ]

You took us to the volcano?! I can hardly breathe!

Don't worry. If there's anything demonic here, it won't take long to find it.

[ Zevrai turns and looks around, then puts an arm around Theracy's waist and rises into the air, carrying Theracy with her. Theracy yells in surprise. ]

Woah! What are you doing now?!

I thought you said we were too close to the volcano.

[ Zevrai flies through the air. ]

[ Shot of a smooth slope formed of cooled lava on the edge of the ocean. Zevrai descends to land on the slope, letting Theracy to the ground. ]

Here we are.

Ok, this is better. But what are we looking for?

I don't know, exactly. I can tell that the Firedemon came from here. But whatever it came from is either weakened, broken, or both.

So what should we do?

Just look around for anything unusual.

[ Theracy looks at the water with a lost expression. ]


[ Zevrai turns and takes a few steps away, looking toward the ground. Theracy sighs. ]

[ Focus on the water, where a few small bubbles rise while the waves are calm. ]

[ Zoom out slightly as Zevrai leans toward the source of the bubbles. ]


[ Zevrai reaches into the water and pulls out a charred fragment of what appears to be some orange jewel. She stands up and looks at the fragment as she turns it over in her hand. ]

[ Theracy walks toward Zevrai. ]

Did you find something?

Nothing useful.

[ Zevrai throws the fragment aside. ]

[ Close on the fragment as it strikes the ground. A spark flies from the impact. The fragment bounces and skids a short distance, and another spark flies up from the ground. A brief burst of flame appears around the fragment, similar in color to the explosion of Aluben's hydrogen, though tinted yellow. ]

[ Close on Theracy and Zevrai. ]

That looked a little like Aluben's hydrogen explosions.

It did, didn't it?

What does it mean?

[ Focus on Zevrai, who smiles. ]

It means that something unseen on Earth is going to happen very soon.

[ Fade to black. ]

10:58 AM 5/27/2010